adsorption and desorption of, 347
available water capacity (AWC) of, 293–297
choosing method for measurement of, 312–313
and compaction, 245–246
defined, 287
difficulties in assessing, 297
discontinuity of, 422
in Drop-Cone test, 242
effect of clay minerals on, 241
effect of water infiltration on, 413
expressing rate of change of, 387
expression of measurements of, 312, 314
field capacity (FC) of, 288, 427–428
forces acting on, 287
importance of measuring, 297
least limiting water range of, 294, 296–297
measuring by chemical properties, 311
measuring by dielectric properties of soil, 305–308
measuring by electrical conductivity and capacitance, 300
measuring by evaporation method, 299
measuring by leaching method, 299–300
measuring by low-energy ultrasonic waves, 311
measuring by radiation technique, 300–305
measuring by remote sensing, 309
measuring by thermal conductivity, 308–309
measuring by volume displacement method, 311–312
methods of measurement of, 297–312
mobile (σ
) and immobile (σ
), 504–506
permanent wilting point (PWP) of, 291–292
principles underlying methods of assessment of, 298
redistribution of, 426–427
relationship to soil-matric potential (Φ
). See Soil moisture charac- teristics
relationship to soil volume, shrinkage behavior, and soil consistency, 241
relationship to soil water diffusivity, 389
in Richards equation, 386–387
shrinkage limit of, 237–238
in terms of Atterberg’s constants, 237–240
Soil-moisture hysteresis
bottleneck effect for, 348
contact angle effect for, 348–349
defined, 347
delayed meniscus formation effect for, 349
entrapped air effect for, 349
entropy effect for, 349–350
importance of, 350
Soil-moisture potential
applications of, 350–351
characteristics of, 323
computing components of, 338–341
conversion units for, 352
defined, 322, 323
Index 669