ADempiere Customization – Part I
14. Go to the Minutes Of Meeting window and go to the Discussion Detail tab. The
Status eld is now a combo-box and all the statuses, which we created in the
previous step, are available in the drop-down list. As Open is set as default, when
we create a new discussion line item, the Status eld will be populated with Open,
by default, as shown in the following screenshot:
How it works...
In step 1, we created a new table c_momstatus where the MOM statuses will be saved.
The status column in c_mom_dicussionline has been modied in step 2 so that the
column is now linked with the c_momstatus. In the steps 3 through to 8, we created a
Reference MOM_Status that gets the records from the c_momstatus table. This reference
is then used on the Status column on the discussion detail table in the dictionary for which
the Reference is set to Table and the Reference Key is set to MOM_Status. This way, the
Status eld is rendered as a combo-box and the values are populated from the entries in the
c_momstatus table.
Conguring a zoom window
In the previous recipe, we created a c_momstatus table and created a column,
c_momstatus_id, in the c_mom_discussionline, which has a foreign key relationship
with the c_momstatus table. This is a useful detail in the context of the Zoom window, as
ADempiere automatically generates a link (called hyperlink in the web version) and when