The Cultural Revolution
U.S. interest in , 85–86 , 88 , 92–95
Western presentations of , 96 , 97
civil service examination , 5
class labels , 25 , 120
prosperity and , 63–64
purifying class ranks , 39–40
among rural workers , 73
working-class rebellion , 37
class struggle , 10–11
cold war , 88–92
Collected Works (Mao Zedong) , 106
Communist Party , 119–21
class struggles and , 10–11
for cultural transformation , 6–7
defensiveness of , 105–6
demonstrations of 1989 and , 108–9
against four big rights , 106–7
growth of , 24
for Hundred Flowers , 7
mass campaigns from , 24–25
for nativism , 6
repudiation from , 104–6
for self-reliance , 67
Communist Youth League , 26
Confucian culture
family sites , 44 , 46
May Fourth movement against , 5
corruption, rural , 10
The Count of Monte Cristo
(Dumas) , 42
Cultural Revolution
books about , 107 , 109–10
capitalist roaders in , 11 , 15–16
civilian and military leadership
interactions for , 21–22
climate change related to , 100
end of , 20 , 101–3
future of , 114–18
global context of , 4
globalization and , 97–100
inspiration from , xv
international factors for , 22–23
jokes about , 107
Mao’s programs for , 12
China (continued)
mistakes about , xv–xvi
nationalism of , 62
nostalgia for , 109–10 , 110
phase one of , 14–15
phase two of , 14 , 15–17
political elite conflicts for , 20–22
purges in , 16–17
reforms post- , 83
repudiation of , 104
responsibility for , 103–7
Seventeen Years and , 9–10
social and cultural factors for , 22
“survivor” of , 117
traditionalism and , 22
Western perspective of , 85 , 117–18
youth for , 22
Cultural Revolution aesthetics , 54
amateurs and , 52 , 59
censorship of , 58–59 , 103
commerce and , 52
hypocrisy in , 54
literature in , 55
luxury in , 53
pleasure in , 53
puritanism in , 53
rediscoveries from , 103
against sexism , 55
against traditionalism , 55
Western aesthetics compared to , 52
Cultural Revolution and arts , 111
centralization in , 56–58 , 62
cultural shortages in , 57–58
dangers in , 60–62
destruction of four olds in , 44–49
escape from , 61
against intellectuals , 62
Jiang Qing’s model theatrical works
and , 49–52 , 95
organizational collapse in , 59
political control and spontaneity in ,
55–60 , 57
raids in , 43–44
Cultural Revolution Group , 28 , 39
Chen Boda for , 123
status of , 17