Using an Electronic Speckle Interferometry 195
Level lines of normal surfaces displacements near to a hole are mapped on an
interferogram by the system of dark and bright fringes. Multiplying the number of
fringes by the fringe value, it is possible to calculate the quantity of an acting
stress. Directions of the displacement gradient related to a difference of the states
before and after the blind-hole drilling are also seen in Fig. 4. Owing to the
adopted linear model of a deforming of a body, the gradient directions coincides
with the directions of principal stresses in a body in the same place before hole
drilling. Note that a dominating stress of one direction is better established namely
by not deep holes (h/R <1) whereas in case of a through hole the stress of one di-
rection leads to displacements of the same moduli both in the direction of the
stress action and in the perpendicular direction [5]. At the same time the general
threshold of the method sensitivity to stresses decreases with growth of the
relative depth of a hole (see Fig. 5). At this figure the unit stress is related to the
displacement of one fringe value at the hole edge.
On the basis of the dependence,
given in Fig. 5 and similar ones for different
materials the express method for stresses evaluation in a direction of the symmetry
axis of the interferogram has been formulated. The stress value is calculated by the
following formula
where h and D=2R are depth and diameter of a hole, Е is the Young modulus of a
tested material, N is number of the fringes registered on an interferogram in the
chosen direction, А and В are the calculated constants, D
=2 mm is the diameter
of a hole in an etalon material aluminium (E
= 70 GPa).
Deficiency of a two-exposition speckle interferometry is lack of a possibility for
the determining of the stress sign (compressive or tensile) by the form interfero-
grams; in both cases interferograms are identical if the values of stresses moduli co-
incide. To overcome this difficulty one can observe a neighbourhood of a hole after
its drilling in the conditions of an interferogram of real time and making a small shift
of fringes (without change of their number) in the course of this observation. The
shift for instance, can be caused by an action on the optical block of the interferome-
ter. As a result of this action the course of the beams is changed leading to a shift of
interferogram fringes. In the direction of this shift the relief of the surface displace-
ments in a hole neighbourhood becomes visible. Then by incorporating relations
between stresses and displacements given in [5] the sign of the stress can be deter-
mined. The given process of definition of a stress sign searching for is illustrated in
Fig. 6. A three-dimensional element of the body model (a) in a neighbourhood of a
blind- hole with the given tensile,
, and compressive,
, stresses is shown in
Fig. 6a. The central sections of the element xOz and yOz with a hole contour and a
profile of a deflection of a surface of a body after deformation from stresses
are shown in Fig. 6b and Fig. 6c, respectively. Under each section it is shown the top
view on the level lines of a deflection of a surface. The level lines contain a point,
marked on a deflection lateral view by the black stain, similar to the form of the
interference fringes observed in experiment. The horizontal lines located on the