Alternative routing options for the parts produced on the system.
4. Information from the enterprise level (Level 4 or 5):
The production requirement (e.g., the mix of products and the number of
products to be produced per shift).
Recent research on maintenance deci sion support tools has made significant
progress. Instead of the heuristic rules that are commonly used in today’s manufactur-
ing plants for the prioritizatio n of maintenance work-order requests, systematic
decisions can be established.
These decision-making tools are answering the
question raised above “ which repair job has the highest priority?” by systematically
considering the four types of information listed above (especially the production
demand, system configurations, the criticality of the impending maintenance or repair
requests, and the availability of maintenance crews and their skill sets—electricians,
mechanics). This kind of systematic decision-making tools is especially effective to
deal with the complex interaction between random production equipment failures and
available maintenance resources.
In conventional production system design practice, production bottlenecks are
considered only in a static sense or based on steady-state conditions. However, in
actual production, the short-term production bottleneck may change from shift to shift
or day to day due to the degradation of various produc tion equipment and dynamic
fluctuation in buffer status. The identification of transient production bottlenecks
answers the question “which machine failure most seriously endangers the production
schedule?” Answering this qu estion in a systematic way facilitates the maintenance
prioritization decisions.
As we said there are always conflicts between the production manager and the
maintenance manager. To address this issue of how could one perform systematic
equipment maintenance during production without affecting the production through-
put at the end of the line, it is necessary to accurately estimate the available
opportunity window for maintenance in the midst of production runs. By analyzing
the system configuration, current buffer status, and equipment conditions, it is
possible to identify sufficient machine time for the preventive maintenance without
interrupting normal production schedule.
There is a tradeoff between maintenance personnel staffing levels and the
throughput of a production line. The more reactive the maintenance personnel is,
the lower the probability that a given repair will be delayed waiting for available
personnel. On the other hand, increasing the number of personnel increases the labor
costs. Therefore, one important goal of IT-based maintenance systems is to perform
adequate maintenanc e with minimum maintenance crew size. By constructing an
optimization formulation, one can solve this maintenance staffing management
The algorithms for solving this issue as well as the one that identifies
sufficient machine time for preventive maintenance actions without interrupting the
normal production schedule were implemented at General Motors.
Three “BOSS” Kettering awards have been given by General Motors for the successful implementation of
the research conducted by Professor Jun Ni and his students Q. Chang and Z. Yang.