each tank or vehicle in the area was clearly marked, even as they moved during battle.
Based on this information, tank commanders had as good or better battlefield
information than the brigade headquarters, and more importantly, they were em-
powered to make instantaneous decisions.
The tank commander’s decisions were sent to his counterpart tanks and to other
units in the area, as well as to the battalion commander, who filtered and organized the
essential information and sent it up to the brigade commander. The brigade com-
mander accumulated the information sent from the battalions, processed it, and sent it
up to the division headquarters. As a result of this bottom -up information transfer the
division commander got a much more accurate picture of the battlefield and could
coordinate the overall operations and make intelligent strategic decisions.
The sensor-based knowledge of the battlefield has a twofold advantage:
1. Based on this information, the tank commander knows the exact location of the
other tanks in the company and the battalion and can make better tactical
decisions during the battle.
2. The brigade and division commanders at headquarters know the exact position
of each tank and vehicle in the entire theater of operations, its condition, and
ammunition, and theref ore can respond rapidly to dynamic situations. The
commanders can change the strategic commands as the battle proceeds, channel
additional resources, or redirect movements as the situation develops.
Replacing the rigid top-down structure of 1991, the Army implemented a bottom-up
approach enabled by advanced information technology. This model is much more
responsive to the constantly changing conditions that one experiences in real-time
activities. We believe that this new Army approach, based on bottom-up information
transfer and information-based empowerment of the workforce, should be the organi-
zational model for manufacturing and industrial enterprises in the twenty-first century.
The main organizing principles of traditional industrial enterprises are multiple levels
of hierarchy, and centralization of decision making and control functions. These
principles were initially introduced at the end of the nineteenth century, and became
standard practice during the first half of the twentieth century. Enterprise organiza-
tions during these times were arranged hierarchically, with only limited authority
delegated to any one person, who had to report to a superior.
Frederick Taylor, a nineteenth-century mechanical engineer, was the most influ-
ential individual on this hierarchical and centralized style of industrial organization.
According to Taylor, the organization should be arranged so that each person was
responsible to a superior and responsible for subordinates. Taylor created a system
that intentionally separated thought and action, and centralized all decision making.
In this model, all decisi ons should be taken as centrally as possible, leaving the rest of
the organization to wait for instructions and policy decisions.