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their relatively low back pressure (compared to conventional packed capillaries), enabling
either comparatively high flow rates or the use of long capillaries.
Various types of RP phases with different polarities have been used in metabolite
research; such RP-stationary phase are suitable for the analysis of compounds of medium and
low polarity but do not give particularly good results for polar and/or polar ionic metabolites.
A multi-column approach, applied to human plasma analysis, involving the use of three
different stationary phase chemistries with separations performed on C18, amino and phenyl-
hexyl columns has been used to increase coverage [9].
For such polar/ionic compounds,
separation using hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) is an option [124,190-192].
HILIC is performed on a pure silica column or very polar chemically bonded silica, and
acetonitrile is used as weak solvent, while water is the strong one. A drawback of HILIC is
the very long equilibration time needed after a gradient is performed. Two dimensional
separation (2D chromatography), as for proteomics, may increase the number of metabolites
detected but, up to the present time it has not been used for metabolomics.
CE is considered a highly efficient, flexible separation technique. One of its main assets
for fingerprinting, where samples must undergo the minimum possible manipulation, is the
capability to analyze complex matrices such as urine without previous treatment. CE-ESI-MS
interface development has been an active area of investigation for over 20 years
[105,193,194]. However, completing the electrical circuit required for CE in a manner that
results in a stable electrospray and suitable detection limits has been a challenge: system
stability is essential for sensitivity. Recently, approaches based on CE-MS [195-197] have
emerged as powerful tools for the comprehensive analysis of charged metabolites and have
played a critical role in understanding intricate biochemical and biological systems [197-204].
Because the scaling laws of CE make it amenable to small-volume sampling, it has been used
extensively for single-cell and subcellular analyses of metabolites [205-206]. Compared to
both GC and LC, CE is much less utilized in metabolomics (a recent exhaustive review
reports the present state of the art [207]), and an increase of its importance in the field is to be
expected when some of the problems still present in coupling with MS have been overcome.
The mass-to-charge ion analyzers used in metabolomics follow strictly the technical
improvements in instrumentation. Although TQ, used as GC detector in many studies in the
past, did not allow high resolution and accurate mass measurements, it represents a very
robust system, and it is still used sometimes [142]. QIT, although more sensitive than TQ, is
used only occasionally [208], probably because of its scarce dynamic range. QqQ analyzer
consents a MS/MS acquisition and its fourth generation models are very sensitive in the Multi
Reaction Monitoring (MRM) acquisition mode. This characteristic, together with a rapid scan
capability (about 50 µs per scan), makes this instrument very valuable in targeted metabolites
analysis by LC-MS [170,209].
Recently, GC time-of-flight MS (ToF-MS) has become more popular for metabolite
profiling due to its higher mass accuracy and mass resolution relative to quadrupoles
[134,145,153,183]. Further, ToF-MS offers very high scan speeds, necessary for adequate
sampling of chromatographic peak widths in the range of 0.5–1 s. Thus, the use of high scan
speeds facilitates the implementation of fast GC methods, which can reduce the analysis time
and increase productivity. LC-ToF-MS and LC-Q-ToF-MS/MS are also increasingly used in
metabolite analysis [162,183,187,210].
The mass accuracy of ToF instruments has historically
been in the 5–10ppm range, technological advances in recent years have shown that ToF can
achieve a mass accuracy of 1–2 ppm when internally calibrated [211].