184 4 Cutting Tool Materials and Tools
Halp05, Barr00, Barr06]. The higher the amount of cBN in the cutting tool mate-
rial, the stronger this wear mechanism limits the performance of the BN cutting tool
materials being used for hard machining.
In order to combat this wear phenomenon, cutting tool materials made of cBN
are coated. Coating reduces tribochemical wear, increasing component quality, tool
life and process safety [Daws02, Gey05, Ohas04, Okam05]. Usually, cBN tools are
coated with TiN, TiAlN or AlCrN after the PVD process. There are also solid BN
plates coated with CVD- Al
When machining materials of lower hardness (45–55 HRC), the higher Fe con-
tent in the materials leads to an increase in chemical wear. If hardened components
must also be machined in the hard/soft transition phase, there is still another prob-
lem. Due to declining material strength, chip formation changes from lamellar to
continuous chips. This is accompanied by changes in the friction conditions in the
contact zone on the rake face, and thermal and chemical stress on the cutting edge
increases. The BN cutting edge becomes very hot. In consequence, the solder with
which the BN blank is soldered onto the cemented carbide base can melt and the
insert can break. In these cases, the wear and performance attributes of cBN cutting
tool materials can be significantly improved by coating them.
Turning tools made of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride are becoming more
and more popular for finishing turbine blades composed of nickel-based alloys (see
Sect. 7.6.5). As opposed to cemented carbides (v
= 20–40 m/min), they can be
employed at much higher cutting speeds (v
= 250–500 m/min) (Fig. 4.54). In
comparison to turning tools made of whisker-reinforced cutting ceramics or SiAlon,
BN cutting tool materials are characterized by higher process safety, while the resul-
tant component have a superior surface quality. When using the appropriate BN
types (low-cBN-containing, binder phase TiC or TiN) and insert geometries (e.g.
RNGX120700E), the types of wear that affect tool life as a rule are flank and rake
face wear for high cutting speeds (v
> 250 m/min) and notch wear on the major
and/or minor cutting edge for low cutting speeds (v
< 250 m/min). Besides low
cutting speeds, small corner radii also are advantageous for the formation of notch
wear. An emulsion is used as a cooling lubricant during the cutting process – dry
machining is generally impossible.
4.6 Tool Designs
Various tool designs for separate processes have become available on the market,
since different areas of use place particular demands on the design of the tools.
In order to guarantee tool functionality, the following requirements should be
considered already in the design phase:
• mechanical tool stresses (cutting forces),
• thermal tool stress (friction and deformation heat, coolant),
• rapid changing and secure positioning of the tool cutting edge,