required to distinguish real numbers and the finite precision of any measur-
ing instrument. Appropriate quantization, whose coarseness reflects the pre-
cision of a given measuring instrument, is thus inevitable to resolve this
inconsistency. Consider, for example, a real variable that represents electric
current whose values range from 0 to 1 ampere. Assume, for the sake of sim-
plicity, that measurements of the variable can be made to an accuracy of 0.1
ampere. Then, according to the usual quantization, the interval [0, 1] is parti-
tioned into 10 semiopen intervals and one closed interval (quanta, aggregates),
[0, 0.5), [0.5, 1.5), [1.5, 2.5),...,[0.85, 0.95), [0.95, 1], which are labeled by their
ideal representatives 0, 0.1, 0.2,...,0.9, 1,respectively.This is exactly the quan-
tization shown in Figure 7.10a.
Although the usual quantization of real variables is capable of capturing
the limited resolutions of measuring instruments employed, it completely
ignores the issue of measurement errors. While representing the infinite
number of values by a finite number of quanta (disjoint intervals of real
numbers and their ideal representatives) the unavoidable measurement errors
make the sharp boundaries between the quanta highly unrealistic. The repre-
sentation can be made more realistic by a finite number of granules (fuzzy
numbers or intervals), as illustrated for our example in Figure 7.10b. The fun-
damental difference is that transitions from each granule to its adjacent gran-
ules are smooth rather than abrupt. Moreover, any available knowledge
regarding measurement errors in each particular application context can be
utilized in molding the granules.
7.7.2. Types of Fuzzy Systems
In principle, fuzzy systems can be knowledge-based, model-based, or hybrid.
In knowledge-based fuzzy systems, relationships between variables are
described by collections of fuzzy inference rules (conditional fuzzy proposi-
tional forms). These rules attempt to capture the knowledge of a human
expert, expressed often in natural language. Model-based fuzzy systems are
based on traditional systems modeling, but they employ appropriate areas of
fuzzy mathematics (fuzzy analysis, fuzzy differential equations, etc.). These
mathematical areas, based on the notion of fuzzy numbers or intervals, allow
us to approximate classical mathematical systems of various types via appro-
priate granulation to achieve tractability, robustness, and low computational
cost. Hybrid fuzzy systems are combinations of knowledge-based and model-
based fuzzy systems. At this time, knowledge-based fuzzy systems are more
developed than model-based or hybrid fuzzy systems.
In knowledge-based fuzzy systems, the relation between input and output
linguistic variables is expressed in terms of a set of fuzzy inference rules (con-
ditional propositional forms). From these rules and any information describ-
ing actual states of input variables, the actual states of output variables are
derived by an appropriate compositional rule of inference. Assuming that the
input variables are X
, X
,...,and the output variables are Y
, Y