Data Preparation 73
describe a conceptual and statistical framework for understanding the relation between indica-
tor selection, indicator psychometric characteristics, and construct measurement. Peng, Har-
well, Liou, and Ehman (2007) describe modern techniques for analyzing incomplete data and
characteristics of software tools in this area. Wothke (1993) offers many helpful suggestions
for diagnosing nonpositive definiteness in data matrices and other instances of this problem
in SEM. You can find a concise summary of score reliability and related topics in Thompson
Allison, P. D. (2003). Missing data techniques for structural equation modeling. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 112, 545–557.
Little, T. D., Lindenberger, U., & Nesselroade, J. R. (1999). On selecting indicators for multivari-
ate measurement and modeling with latent variables: When “good” indicators are bad
and “bad” indicators are good. Psychological Methods, 4, 192–211.
Peng, C.-Y. J., Harwell, M., Liou, S.-M., & Ehman, L. H. (2007). Advances in missing data
methods and implications for educational research. In S. S. Sawilowsky (Ed.), Real data
analysis (pp. 31–78). Charlotte, NC: IAP.
Thompson, B. (Ed.). (2003). Score reliability. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wothke, W. (1993). Nonpositive definite matrices in structural equation modeling. In K. A.
Bollen & J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing structural equation models (pp. 256–293). Newbury
Park, CA: Sage.
1. Calculate the correlation matrix given the covariance matrix in lower diagonal
form for variables X, W, and Y (in this order) presented next:
31.72 148.84
63.05 82.84 376.36
2. Presented next are scores for 10 cases reported as (X, Y, W) and where a miss-
ing observation is coded as –9. Enter these scores into a data file with the
appropriate missing data specification. Calculate the bivariate correlations
using listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, and mean substitution. Describe the
(–9,15,–9), (1 2,23,48), (13,25,38), (–9,18,38),
(15,20,39), (13,1 5,35), (17,–9,36), (18,24,47),
(19,21,42), (17,–9,–9)
3. Given cov
= 13.00,
= 12.00, and
= 10.00, show that the corresponding
correlation is out of bounds.
4. Calculate the covariance matrix for the incomplete data in Table 3.3 using pair-
wise deletion. Show that this matrix is nonpositive definitive. Also show that
the corresponding correlation matrix contains an out-of-bounds value.