Specification 93
latent variables that the computer eventually estimates with sample data. Specification
is the most important step. This is because results from later steps assume that the model
is basically correct. I also suggest that you make a list of possible changes to the initial
model that would be justified according to theory or empirical results. This is because
it is often necessary to respecify models (step 5), and respecification should respect the
same principles as specification.
If life were fair, the researcher could proceed directly from specification to collection of
the data to estimation. Unfortunately, the analysis of a structural equation model is not
always so straightforward. The problem that potentially complicates the analysis is that
of identification. A model is identified if it is theoretically possible for the computer to
derive a unique estimate of every model parameter. Otherwise, the model is not identi-
fied. The word “theoretically” emphasizes identification as a property of the model and
not of the data. For example, if a model is not identified, then it remains so regardless
of the sample size (N = 100, 1,000, etc.). Therefore, models that are not identified should
be respecified (return to step 1); otherwise, attempts to analyze them may be fruitless.
Different types of structural equation models must meet the specific requirements for
identification that are described in Chapter 6.
Measure Selection and Data Collection
The various activities for this step—select good measures, collect the data, and screen
them—were discussed in Chapter 3.
This step involves using an SEM computer tool to conduct the analysis. Several things
take place at this step: (1) Evaluate model fit, which means determine how well the
model explains the data. Perhaps more often than not, researchers’ initial models do
not fit the data very well. When (not if) this happens to you, skip the rest of this step
and go to the next, respecification, and then reanalyze the respecified model using the
same data. Assuming satisfactory model fit, then (2) interpret the parameter estimates.
In written summaries, too many researchers fail to interpret the parameter estimates
for specific effects. Perhaps concern for overall model fit is so great that relatively little
attention is paid to whether estimates of its parameters are meaningful (Kaplan, 2009).
Next, (3) consider equivalent or near-equivalent models. Recall that an equivalent model
explains the data just as well as the researcher’s preferred model but does so with a dif-
ferent configuration of hypothesized relations among the same variables (Chapter 1).
For a given model, there may be many—and in some cases infinitely many—equivalent
versions. Thus, the researcher needs to explain why his or her preferred model should
not be rejected in favor of statistically equivalent ones. Too many authors of SEM stud-