Computer Tools 83
latter is not available in SIMPLIS.) The full commercial version of LISREL can be down-
loaded for a free 15-day trial. There are also free student versions of LISREL available for
the Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh OS 9 and X, and LINUX operating systems.
The student versions are restricted to a total of 15 observed variables for both SEM
analyses and multilevel analyses.
Version 6.0 of Mplus
(Muthén & Muthén, 1998–2010) runs under Microsoft Windows
and is divided into a program for SEM, Mplus Basic, and three add-on modules for ana-
lyzing additional kinds of latent variable models. Mplus Base analyzes all core types of
structural equation models plus discrete- and continuous-time survival models. A spe-
cial strength of Mplus is that it can analyze outcome variables that are any combination
of continuous, dichotomous, ordinal, or count variables. For example, it automatically
calculates odds ratios for dichotomous outcomes (Chapter 2). Also available in Mplus
Base is an ML method for incomplete raw data files, special syntax for handling complex
survey data (e.g., with stratification), and Monte Carlo methods for generating simulated
random samples. Versions 5.1 and later feature the capability for exploratory structural
equation modeling (ESEM) (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009), which combines features of
SEM and exploratory factor analysis. The logic of ESEM is introduced in the next chap-
ter. Version 6.0 includes capabilities for Bayesian estimation (Asparouhov & Muthén,
The Mplus Base user interacts with the program in one of two different ways, in
batch mode by writing programs in the Mplus language that specify the model and data
or through a language generator (wizard) that prepares files for batch analysis. Through
the Mplus language generator, the user completes templates about analysis details, such
as where the data file is to be found and variable names. The user’s responses are then
automatically converted to Mplus language statements that are written to an editor win-
dow, but the user must write the syntax that specifies the model. There is no model dia-
gram input or output in Mplus Basic. However, it has a template-based module for gener-
ating data graphics, including histograms, scatterplots, and item characteristic curves.
The Multilevel Add-On to Mplus Basic is for the multilevel analyses. It estimates
multilevel versions of models for regression analysis, factor analysis, SEM, and time
survival analysis. The Mixture Model Add-On analyzes mixture models with categori-
cal latent variables. Mplus Base together with this add-on can analyze “classical” struc-
tural equation models with continuous latent variables, latent structure models with
categorical latent variables, and models with both continuous and categorical latent
variables. The third optional module is the Combination Add-On, which contains all the
features of the other two add-ons. It also supports the analysis of multilevel models with