Hypothesis Testing 225
same model are, respectively, about 1,465 cases and 1,220 cases. Exercise 3 asks you to
interpret the results of the power analysis in Table 8.7 for the Sava (2002) path model,
but it is clear that power for this model is low, too.
The power analysis results just described reflect a general trend that power at the
model level may be low when there are few model degrees of freedom even for a rea-
sonably large sample size (e.g., N = 373 for the Roth et al. model of Figure 8.1). For
models with only one or two degrees of freedom, sample sizes in the thousands may
be required in order for model-level power to be greater than .80 (e.g., MacCallum et
al., 1996, p. 144). Sample size requirements for the same level of power drop to some
300–400 cases for models when df
is about 10. Even smaller samples may be needed
for a minimum power of .80 if df
> 20, but the sample size should not be less than 100
in any event. As Loehlin (2004) puts it, the results of a power analysis in SEM can be
sobering. Specifically, if an analysis has a low probability of rejecting a false model, this
fact should temper the researcher’s enthusiasm for his or her preferred model.
Some other developments in power estimation at the model level are briefly sum-
marized next. MacCallum and Hong (1997) extended MacCallum et al.’s (1996) work on
power analysis at the model level to the GFI and AGFI fit statistics. Kim (2005) studied a
total of four approximate fit indexes, including the RMSEA and CFI, in relation to power
estimation and the determination of sample size requirements for minimum desired lev-
els of power. Kim (2005) found that estimates of power and minimum sample sizes var-
ied as a function of the choice of fit index, the number of observed variables and model
degrees of freedom, and the magnitude of covariation among the variables. This result
is not surprising considering that (1) different fit statistics reflect different aspects of
model–data correspondence and (2) there is little direct correspondence between values
of different fit statistics and degrees or types of model misspecification. As noted by Kim
(2005), a value of .95 for the CFI does not necessarily indicate the same misspecification
as a value of .05 for the RMSEA.
equIvalent and near-equIvalent Models
After a final model is selected from among hierarchical or nonhierarchical alternatives,
equivalent models should be considered. Equivalent models yield the same predicted
correlations or covariances but with a different configuration of paths among the same
observed variables. Equivalent models also have equal values of fit statistics, including
(and df
) and all approximate fit indexes. For a given structural equation model,
there are probably equivalent versions. Thus, it behooves the researcher to explain why
his or her final model should be preferred over mathematically identical ones.
You already know that just-identified path models perfectly fit the data. By default,
any variation of a just-identified path model exactly matches the data, too, and thus is an
equivalent model. Equivalent versions of overidentified path models—and overidenti-
fied structural models in general—can be generated using the Lee–Hershberger replac-
ing rules (Hershberger, 1994):