Hypothesis Testing 217
chi-square statistic with a single degree of freedom, or
(1). The value of an LM in
the form of a modification index estimates the amount by which the overall model
chi-square statistic,
, would decrease if a particular fixed-to-zero parameter were
freely estimated. That is, a modification index estimates
(1) for adding a single path.
Thus, the greater the value of a modification index, the better the predicted improve-
ment in overall fit if that path were added to the model. Likewise, a multivariate LM
estimates the effect of allowing a set of constrained-to-zero parameters to be freely
estimated. Some SEM computer tools, such as Amos and EQS, allow the user to gener-
ate modification indexes for specific parameters, which lends a more a priori sense to
this statistic.
Note two cautions about modification indexes. First, an SEM computer tool may
print the value of a modification index for an “illegal” parameter, such as a covariance
between an exogenous variable and an error term. If you actually tried to add that param-
eter in a subsequent run of the program, the analysis would fail. Second, modification
indexes may be printed for a parameter that, if actually added to the model, would make
the respecified model nonidentified. Both of these apparently anomalous results are due
to the fact that modification indexes merely estimate
(1) values. These estimates are
not derived by the computer actually adding the parameter to the model and rerunning
the analysis. Instead, the computer uses a shortcut method based on matrix algebra that
“guesses” at the value of
, given the covariance matrix and estimates for the more
restricted (original) model.
The Wald W statistic (after the mathematician A. Wald; e.g., Wald, 1943) is a related
index but one used for model trimming. A univariate Wald W statistic approximates the
amount by which the overall
statistic would increase if a particular freely estimated
parameter were fixed to zero (trimmed). That is, a univariate Wald W statistic estimates
(1) for dropping the same path. A value of a univariate Wald W that is not statistically
significant at, say, the .05 level predicts a decrement in overall model fit that is not sta-
tistically significant at the same level. Model trimming that is entirely empirically based
would thus delete paths with Wald W statistics that are not statistically significant. A
multivariate Wald W statistic approximates the value of
for trimming two or more
paths from the model. Loehlin (2004) gives this good advice: A researcher should not feel
compelled to drop from the model every path that is not statistically significant, especially
when the sample size is not large. Removing such paths might also affect the solution
in an important way. If there was a theoretical rationale for including the path in the
first place, it would be better to leave that path in the model until replication indicates
All of the test statistics just described are sensitive to sample size. Thus, even a
trivial change in overall model fit due to adding or dropping a free parameter could
be statistically significant in a very large sample. In addition to noting the statistical
significance of a modification index, the researcher should also consider the absolute
magnitude of the change in the coefficient for the parameter if it is allowed to be freely
estimated, or the expected parameter change. If the expected change (i.e., from zero)
is small, the statistical significance of the modification index may reflect more the