is greater than the zero-order correlation between these two variables, or .021 at three-
decimal accuracy (Table 7.1). Also, the sign of this direct effect is positive, which says
that teachers who reported higher levels of burnout were better liked by their students,
controlling for school support and coercive control. This positive direct effect seems to
contradict the results of many other studies on teacher burnout, which generally indi-
cate negative effects on teacher–pupil interactions. However, effects of other variables,
such as school support, were not controlled in many of these other studies. This finding
should be replicated, especially given the small sample size.
disturbance variances
The estimated disturbance variances reflect unexplained variability for each endoge-
nous variable. For example, the unstandardized disturbance variance for somatic status
is 13.073 (Table 7.2). The sample variance of this variable (Table 7.1) at 3-decimal accu-
racy is s
= 5.2714
= 27.788. The ratio of the disturbance variance over the observed
variance is 13.073/27.788 = .470. That is, the proportion of observed variance in somatic
status that is not explained by its presumed direct cause, teacher–pupil interactions, is
.470, or 47.0%. The proportion of explained variance for somatic status is
= 1 – .470,
or .530. Thus, the model in Figure 7.1 explains 53.0% of the total variance in somatic
status. The estimated disturbance variances for the other three endogenous variables are
interpreted in similar ways.
Note that all the unstandardized disturbance variances in Table 7.2 differ statisti-
cally from zero at the .01 level. However, these results have basically no substantive
value. This is because it is expected that error variance will not be zero, so it is silly to
get excited that a disturbance variance is statistically significant. This is an example of a
statistical test in SEM that is typically pointless. However, results of statistical tests for
error covariances are often of interest.
Indirect effects and the sobel test
Indirect effects are estimated statistically as the product of direct effects, either stan-
dardized or unstandardized, that comprise them. They are also interpreted just as path
coefficients. For example, the standardized indirect effect of school support on student
school experience through the mediator teacher–pupil interactions is estimated as the
product of the standardized coefficients for the constituent paths, which is .203 × .654,
or .133 (see Figure 7.1(b)). The rationale for this derivation is as follows: school support
has a certain direct effect on teacher–pupil interactions (.203), but only part of this
effect, .654 of it, is transmitted to school experience. The result .133 says that the level of
positive student school experience is expected to increase by about .13 standard devia-
tions for every increase in school support of one full standard deviation via its prior
effect on teacher–pupil interactions.
The unstandardized indirect effect of school support on student school experience
through teacher–pupil interactions is estimated as the product of the unstandardized