1.11. Determine the first-order derivative of the function
þ 1:5x
þ 7x 2
at x = 2, using forward difference, backward difference, and central differen ce
(Equations (1.20),(1.22) and (1.23)). Use a step size of 0.1. Calculate the absolute
and relative error for each case based on the exact derivative f
1.12. Novel hematopoietic stem cell separating device Each year, more than 35 000
people in the United States are diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, or other blood,
metabolic, or immune system disorders for which a bone marrow or adult blood
stem cell transplant could be a cure. However, 70% of these patients do not receive a
transplant due to both a lack of matched donors and the high, non-reimbursed costs
incurred by treatment centers. For many patients, bone marrow or stem cell trans-
plants provide a cure to an otherwise fatal or greatly debilitating condition. One of
the most important steps in processing a bone marrow or peripheral blood sample
for transplantation is separating out the hematopoietic stem cells. These cells are
present in very low numbers and are responsible for restoring function to the
patient’s damaged bone marrow. Current separation technology is a labor-intensive
and inefficient process. There is often a low yield of stem cells, and high expenses
must be incurred by transplant centers.
An extracorporeal device to capture hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from blood
quickly and efficiently is currently under design. This device is made of tubes that are
coated internally with specific sticky molecules called selectins that preferentia lly
bind HSCs (Wojciechowski et al., 2008). Stem cells have a surface marker called
CD34 that is absent on mature blood cells. Selectins can also bind white blood cells
or leukocytes. If blood or bone marrow cells are perfused through such tubing, stem
cells and some amount of white blood cells are selectively removed from the bulk of
the fluid due to adhesion of these cells to the wall.
Rat experiments were performed to assess the feasibilty of purifying stem cells from
blood by using this capture device. The inner surface area (SA) of a single tube is
35.34 mm
. It was found that, on average, 1770 cells/mm
were found to be attached to
the inner tubing surface following perfusion of blood for 60 min. The total number of
stuck cells is calculated to be 1770 × SA = 62 550 (rounded off to the nearest integer).
However, the number of stuck cells per mm
was found to vary between 1605 and 1900
for different experiments (or 0.9068 to 1.073 times the average). Determine the range
of the total number of stuck cells that are captured by a single tube in both absolute
and relative terms. How many significant digits can you include in your answer?
1.13. In the experiment discusseed in Problem 1.12, the purity of the captured stem
cells was found to be 18%; in other words, the fraction of captured cells that were
CD34+ stem cells was 18%. Based on the range of the total number of stuck cells
that are captured by a single tube, calculate the range of the number of captured stem
cells by the coated tube. If the purity ranges from 12 to 25%, then determine the
absolute lower and upper bounds of captured stem cells. (Take into account the
variability in the total number of captured cells.)
1.14. Separation of different populations of cancer cells Some leukemic cancer cells
exhibit stem cell-like properties and express the CD34 marker on their surface, a
surface marker exhibited by immature stem cells. In this way, leukemic cancer cells
can be loosely classified into two categories: CD34+ cancer cells and CD34– cancer
cells. Current cancer therapies are not as effective in eradicating the cancer cells
displaying CD34 on their surfaces. These CD34+ cancer cells are believed to be
responsible for inducing relapse of the disease following treatment.
1.9 Problems