- non-reducible 30
-reducible 30,62
- umbilical 30
- diaphragmatic 26,27
-inguinal 62,63,64,65
-umbilical 30,31
hoof, see horse
- accessory nerve, neurectomy of 18,19
- anus,atresia of, see pig
-aural fistula,extirpation of 4,5
- castration
- closed technique, see goat
- half-closed technique 54,55
- open technique, see pig
- primary closure method 56
- carpal bone fracture, arthrotomy in 116
- cricoarytenoidopexy 20,21
- cryosurgery of sarcoids 86
- cryptorchidectomy
-abdominal 60,61
-inguinal 58,59
- cystorrhaphy,see cattle
- cystotomy,pararectal 68
- diaphragmatic herniorrhaphy 26,27
- enterectomy
- end-to-end anastomosis, see cattle
- end-to-side anastomosis 47
- side-to-side anastomosis 44,45,47
- episiotomy 82
- evisceration after castration, management of 66
- eye ball, enucleation of, see cattle
- eyelid lacerations, suturing of 13
- femur, supracondylar fracture of, see cattle
- fetlock annular ligament, sectioning of 108
- fetlock joint, arthrotomy 132
- Forssell's myectomy 18,19
- guttural pouch, drainage and fenestration 6
- canker, treatment of 92
- cracks, treatment of 93
- keratoma, extirpation of 89
- pododermatitis, treatment of 88
- puncture wounds, management of 90,91
- thrush, treatment of 93
- inferior check ligament, desmotomy of 106
- inguinal herniorrhaphy 64,65
- intertarsal joint,distal,arthrodesis of 122,123
- jejunocaecostomy 47
- laryngotomy
- subepiglottal cyst, extirpation of 22
- ventriculectomy 20,21
- mammary gland,amputation of, see sheep
- mandibular body fracture, treatment of 10
- mandibular interdental space fracture, see cattle
- metacarpal/metatarsal bone fracture, see cattle
- nasolacrimal orifice atresia, treatment of 16
- navicular bone fracture, lag screw fixation of
- nictitating membrane, see cattle
- ovariectomy 82
- paramedian laparotomy 38
- patellar ligament, medial, desmotomy of 107
- penis
-amputation of 71
- circumcision (reefing) of 72
- retraction operation (Bolz) 74,75
- perineal reconstruction after third degree
laceration 80,81
- phalanx fracture
- first, treatment of 126,127,130,131
- third, treatment of 133
- posterior digital neurectomy 136
- premaxilla fracture, treatment of 10
- preputial orifice, retention suturing of 73
- rectum prolapse, correction of 48,49
- sequestrectomy,see cattle
- sesamoid bone fracture, ostectomy 129
- sinus, maxillary, trephination of 8,9
- skin grafting 84,85
- splint bone fracture,resection of 125
-tail, see cattle
-teat, see cattle
- teeth, repulsion of 8,9
- tendon repair, carbon fibre implantation 109
- tibia fracture, see cattle
- tibiotarsal joint, arthrotomy in osteochondrosis
- tracheotomy 24
- ulna fracture, plate osteosynthesis 114,115
- umbilical herniorrhaphy, see cattle
- urethrotomy 69
- valgus deviation, correction of 117
- vestibuloplasty 78,79
- withers, treatment of fistula 28
- ventral midline laparotomy 34,35
inferior check ligament, desmotomy of 106
inguinal cryptorchidectomy 58,59
inguinal (scrotal) hernia
- direct 65
- incarcerated 64
- indirect 65
- interstitial 65
- reducible 62
inguinal herniorrhaphy 62,63,64,65
interphalangeal joint, distal, resection of 96,97
intertarsal joint, distal
- arthrodesis of 122,123
-curettageof 124
- anastomosis 44,45,46,47,64,66
- enterectomy 44,45,46,47,48,49,64,66
- enterotomy 43
-evisceration of 66
- herniation of 26,27,30,31,62,64,65
- prolapse of 48,49,65,66
- ileocaecal 47
- jejunal 46
- rectal 48
jejunocaecostomy 47
- carpal, arthrotomy of 116
- fetlock, arthrotomy of 129,132
- interphalangeal, distal, resection of 96,97
-intertarsal, distal
- arthrodesis of 122,123
-curettageof 124
- tarso-metatarsal
- arthrodesis of 123
-curettageof 124
- tibio-tarsal, arthrotomy of 121
keratoma 89
lag screw fixation
- of carpal bone fracture 116
- of first phalanx fractures 130,131
- of third phalanx fractures 133
- of navicular bone fracture 134,135
-flank,left 36
- in abdominal cryptorchidism 61
- in abomasal displacement, left-sided 40
- for caesarean section 76,77
- for rumenotomy 39
-flank,right 36,37
- in abdominal cryptorchidism 61
- in abomasal displacement, right-sided 42
- in intestinal disorders 43,46
- paramedian 38
- in abdominal cryptorchidism 61
- in urinary bladder disorders 67
- ventral midline (linea alba) 34,35
- in abdominal disorders 44,45,47
laryngeal hemiplegia 20