Chapter 7 THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM / Muscles and tendons 7-2
7-2 Desmotomy of medial patellar ligament
Fixation of the patella may be persistent or temp-
orary. Permanent fixation of the patella prox-
imal to the medial trochlear ridge of the femur
prevents flexion of the affected hind limb. In
some cases (in standardbreds) there may be only
a 'catching' of the patella during locomotion and
the leg never truly locks in extension. The cond-
ition is commonly bilateral, although it may be
worse in one limb. In all cases of persistent and
intermittent fixation and 'catching' where con-
servative treatment (e.g. corrective trimming and
shoeing) fails, surgical intervention is indicated.
Surgery. The medial patellar ligament is located
and the skin and tissues around the insertion of
the ligament to the tibia are infiltrated with local
analgesic. Using a pointed tenotome a small skin
incision is made just proximal to the tibial insert-
ion of the medial patellar ligament, between the
medial and middle patellar ligaments [397]. The
tenotome is further introduced, caudal to the
medial patellar ligament [398]; the blade is then
turned so that the cutting edge is against the liga-
ment [399]. The ligament is severed by a combi-
nation of a slight sawing movement of the teno-
tome and percutaneous pressure applied to the
ligament with the forefinger [400]. There will be
a distinct snap as the ligament is cut, and a
definite cavity is palpable following transection.
A single suture of absorbable material is suffic-
ient to close the skin incision. In general both
medial ligaments should be severed even if only
one limb is involved, since the cause of this cond-
ition appears to be related to conformation; the
other limb frequently becomes affected at a later
date. Aftercare consists of 4-6 weeks' rest from
work. To prevent the ends of the ligament reun-
iting prematurely, the patient is walked at hand
daily from the first postoperative day, and the
exercise is increased gradually.