Chapter 6 THE COMMON INTEGUMENT / Bovine digit 6-13
6-13 Amputation of digit
Digital amputation is indicated in cattle suffering
from severe disorders of the digit such as purul-
ent necrotic inflammation of the distal or prox-
imal interphalangeal joint, or severe pedal
trauma. Plate 365 shows a chronic necrotic
pododermatitis, which has resulted in a purulent
necrotic inflammation of the distal interphal-
angeal joint. Advantages of digital amputation in
comparison with other surgical methods, are the
simplicity of the technique and the relatively
rapid return to normal general condition and
milk yield.
Surgery. The cow is restrained in a standing pos-
ition with the limb elevated and secured. A rub-
ber tourniquet is applied in the mid-metatarsal
(metacarpal) region and local intravenous anal-
gesia is administered. Using a scalpel, a 2-3 cm
deep incision is made along the whole length of
the interdigital space through skin, subcutaneous
tissue and interdigital ligaments, as close as pos-
sible to the affected claw [366]. An embryotomy
wire is inserted in the incision and the digit is
sawn off, directing the wire towards a point 2-3
cm proximal to the abaxial aspect of the coronet
[367]. The transection courses through the mid-
dle phalanx, flexor tendons, digital flexor syn-
ovial sheath and skin [368].
In cases of purulent necrotic inflammation of
the proximal interphalangeal joint, the level of
amputation is the distal third of the proximal
phalanx. The embryotomy wire is inserted in the
interdigital incision, and the transection plane
runs from 1-2 cm proximal to the axial aspect of
the proximal interphalangeal joint to a point 3-4
cm proximal to the joint space abaxially. The
wound is dressed with povidone iodine soaked
gauze, and a pressure bandage is applied. The
first bandage is renewed after 2 days. The stump
is checked for inflammatory processes, such as
infection of the digital flexor synovial sheath. Af-
ter 1-2 weeks no further dressing is required.