22 It was Britain which, at the time, encouraged Italy to take what was legally Turkish territory
around the Horn of Africa, notably at Massawa and Assab, and thus plant the seeds of the
eventual colonies of Eritrea and Somaliland. See A.Ramm, ‘Great Britain and the planting of
Italian power in the Red Sea, 1868–1885, English Historical Review, Vol. LIX, no. 2 (1944),
pp. 211–36; A.Del Boca, Gli italiani in Africa Orientale (Bari, 1976), pp. 171–92.
23 e.g. see P.Levi, Missione nell’ Africa settentrionale, giugno-luglio 1908 (Rome, 1908).
24 G.Licata, Notabili della Terza Italia (Rome, 1968), p. 317.
25 J.Wechsberg, Verdi (London, 1974), pp. 144–5.
26 Bosworth, Italy, pp. 346–52.
27 e.g. see the exotic story of one deal in R.J.B.Bosworth, ‘The Albanian forests of Signor
Giacomo Vismara’, Historical Journal, Vol. XVIII, no. 3 (1975), pp. 571–86.
28 AS MAE, Archivio riservato, 5/205, 23 April 1911, San Giuliano to Avarna; Politica (hereafter
P), 671/844, 9 June 1911, San Giuliano to Avarna.
29 A.F.Pribram, The Secret Treaties of Austria-Hungary 1879–1914 (Cambridge, Mass., 1921–2),
Vol. I, pp. 106–11.
30 Italy was a major importer of Romanian oil in 1913, holding fifth place behind Britain, France,
Germany and Egypt. M.Pearton, Oil and the Romanian State (London, 1971), p. 44.
31 E.Corradini, Discorsi politici (Florence, 1925), p. 176.
32 D.Mack Smith, Mussolini’s Roman Empire (London, 1976), p. 122; C.G.Segrè, Fourth Shore
(Chicago, 111., 1974).
33 The standard studies in Italian are F.Malgeri, La guerra libica (1911–1912) (Rome, 1970); P.
Maltese, La terra promessa: la guerra italo-turca e la conquista della Libia, 1911–1912 (Milan,
1968). In English see W.C.Askew, Europe and Italy’s Acquisition of Libya (Durham, NC, 1942),
and Bosworth, Italy, pp. 127–95.
34 ibid., p. 140.
35 e.g. L.Luzzatti, Memorie (Milan, 1966), Vol. III, p. 309.
36 F.Guicciardini, ‘Impressioni d’Albania’, Nuova antologia, no. 708, 1 July 1901, p. 25.
37 C.Zoli, La guerra turco-bulgara (Milan, 1913), pp. 13, 26.
38 e.g. G.Mosca, The Ruling Class (New York, 1939), pp. 140, 181.
39 e.g. see G.Piazza, La nostra terra promessa (Rome, 1911); E.Corradini, L’ora di Tripoli (Milan,
40 Minute on 5 October 1908, Egerton to Grey, FO 371/551/35042. On Bosnia and
Herzegovina see also Bridge, above, pp. 37–8.
41 For biographical details, see Bosworth, Italy, pp. 68–94.
42 M.Abrate, Ricerche per la storia dell’organizzazione sindacale dell’industria in Italia (Turin, 1966),
p. 151; Webster, L’imperialismo, pp. 102–7, 271.
43 Bosworth, Italy, pp. 60–2; L. Vannutelli, ‘Nella Turchia Asiatica’, Bollettino della Società
Geografica Italiana, 4th series, Vol. 8, March 1907, pp. 201–29.
44 C.Seton-Watson, Italy from Liberalism to Fascism (London, 1967), p. 314.
45 Segrè, Fourth Shore, p. 14.
46 A.Del Boca, Gli italiani, p. 752.
47 Cited by Malgeri, La guerra libica, pp. 98–9.
48 Mack Smith, Mussolini’s Roman Empire, p. 37.
49 S.Bono, ‘Lettere dal fronte libico (1911–1912)’, Nuova antologia, no. 2052, December 1971,
pp. 530–1.
50 F.Grassi, Il tramonto dell’ età giolittiana nel Salento (Bari, 1973), pp. 17–20. It is reported also
that in the 1950s local villagers in Apulia hated and detested the sea-shore, because they still