29 Aehrenthal to Berchtold, telegram 89, 24 July 1908, PA XII/343.
30 Ingrid Raabe, Beiträge zur Geschichte der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Frankreich und
Osterreich-Ungarn, 1908–12 (Vienna, 1971), p. 119.
31 PA, Mensdorff MSS., Tagebuch, 15 Aug. 1908.
32 ibid.
33 Bridge, ‘Izvolsky, Aehrenthal’, p. 331.
34 Goschen to Grey, telegram 41, 4 Oct. 1908, FO 120/852.
35 Aehrenthal to Thurn, telegram 33, 6 Oct. 1908, PA XV/122.
36 Pallavicini to Aehrenthal, dispatch no. 83C, 9 Oct. 1908, PA XII/556.
37 Aehrenthal to the minister-presidents of Austria and Hungary, nos 2921 and 2922, 28 Dec.
1908, PA XII/351. On the Italian reaction to the annexation, see Bosworth, below, p. 58.
38 Pallavicini to Aehrenthal, dispatch no. 4, 18 Jan. 1909, PA XII/351.
39 Cartwright to Grey, telegram no. 39, 16 Feb. 1909, FO 371/750.
40 Aehrenthal to Pallavicini, dispatch no. 1262, 1 April 1909, PA XII/341.
41 Aehrenthal to Otto, dispatch no. 2006, 27 May 1909, PA XII/341.
42 Cartwright to Hardinge, private letter, 15 April 1909, Cambridge University Library,
Hardinge MSS.
43 Cartwright to Hardinge, private letter, 13 May 1909, Cambridge University Library, Hardinge
44 Aehrenthal to Pallavicini, dispatch no. 2533, 22 July 1909, PA XII/294.
45 Cartwright to Grey, dispatch no. 142, 5 Sept. 1909, FO 371/601.
46 Mensdorff to Aehrenthal, dispatch no. 11F, 17 April 1910, PA VIII/144.
47 Bridge, Great Britain and Austria-Hungary, p. 158; see also Kent, below, p. 179.
48 Cartwright to Hardinge, private letter, 6 Jan. 1910, Cambridge University Library, Hardinge
49 Ministerratsprotokoll, 17 May 1910, PA XL/309.
50 Cartwright to Grey, private letter, 28 Sept. 1910, Public Record Office, London, Grey MSS,
51 Ministerratsprotokoll, 6 Jan. 1911, PA XL/310.
52 Bridge, Great Britain and Austria-Hungary, pp. 169 ff.
53 Cartwright to Grey, dispatch no. 115, 15 July 1911, FO 371/1230.
54 Rubina Möhring, ‘Die Beziehungen zwischen Oesterreich-Ungarn und dem osmanischen
Reich 1908–1912’, PhD dissertation, Vienna University, 1978, fo. 92.
55 Grey to Cartwright, telegram no. 75, 17 July 1911, FO 120/882.
56 Grey to Cartwright, dispatch no. 64, 5 Oct 1911, FO 120/882.
57 Bridge, Great Britain and Austria-Hungary, pp. 182 ff.
58 Pallavicini to Aehrenthal, private letter, 16 Jan. 1912, PA XII/374.
59 OUA, Vol. IV, no. 3551; see also Bosworth, below, pp. 60–4, 66–7.
60 Cartwright to Grey, telegram no. 62, 30 July 1912, FO 120/895; see also Bosworth, below,
pp. 61, 64–5.
61 Pallavicini to Berchtold, dispatch no. 72B, 25 Aug. 1912, PA XII/206.
62 Möhring, ‘Die Beziehungen’, fo. 104.
63 Pallavicini to Berchtold, dispatch no. 48G, 21 Aug. 1912, PA XII/206.
64 Bridge, ‘Austria-Hungary’, p. 259.
65 Löding, Balkanpolitik, pp. 197 ff.
66 Pallavicini to Berchtold, dispatch no. 58A, 2 Oct. 1913, PA XII/207.
67 Löding, Balkanpolitik, p. 179.
68 ibid., p. 112.