tariffs, taxes and customs service 20–4, 27
n.75, 32, 42, 81, 86, 147, 169, 173, 174,
187 n.44, 190 nn. 76, 77;
navigation in 14;
trade in see individual Great Powers 9, 20,
24 n.7, 25 n.23, 42, 173, 174;
see also Baghdad Railway and individual Great
Powers 17, 22, 25 n.29, 63, 64, 75, 81, 83,
84, 85–1, 107, 137, 140, 141, 145, 188 n.
telegraph 17;
European expatriate community in 2, 17–1,
19, 52–5;
foreign post offices
see also Capitulations 2, 32, 51;
financial shortage and indebtedness
see also Ottoman Public Debt ix–2, 12, 14,
20–4, 23, 26 n.51, 27 nn.73, 70, 73, 41–4,
80–6, 94, 138, 145, 148–7, 171;
European interests in
see also individual Great Powers, and
Capitulations 2–2, 10, 21–5, 73, 79–5, 81,
103 n.161;
attitude of Turkish government towards the
Great Powers see individual Great Powers 2,
3, 9, 10, 11;
joins the ‘Concert of Europe’, 1856 9, 45;
reform in
see also Young Turk revolution 4–5, 9, 11,
16, 20, 41;
European Powers and the reform question
see also individual areas of Ottoman Empire,
especially Macedonia and Armenia, and
individual Great Powers 4, 32, 35–7, 38,
42, 73, 87, 90, 116, 170;
relations generally with Great Powers
see also Great Powers ix, 23, 45;
end of the Ottoman Empire and its post-war
boundaries 16–17, 156, 183
Ottoman Public Debt
see also Decree of Mouharrem, and Ottoman
Empire 2, 21, 42, 81, 171;
Council of Administration of the 2, 21, 32,
42, 51, 53, 140, 145, 168;
and Presidency of 146, 168;
Russia gains a seat on, Oct. 1913 80–6, 94;
interference of, in state affairs 21, 42;
and the Baghdad Railway 143;
unification of the Debt 143, 143, 144, 147,
Debt after First World War 156, 157
P. & O.Line 174, 188 n.54
Pacific, German colonial acquisitions in 105, 107
Paléologue, Maurice (1859–1944) (French
Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General (since
1909, Minister) at Sofia, 1907–12;
Political Director at Ministry for Foreign
Affairs, 1912–14;
Ambassador at St Petersburgh, 1914–17) 91
see also Suez Canal, Sykes-Picot agreement,
Balfour Declaration;
German consulate in Jerusalem 107, 108;
Christian religious organisations in 53, 113;
Jewish interests in 114, 121;
during First World War 53, 119, 123, 126,
156, 176, 179, 193 n.128;
in early Allied War Aim discussions France
to receive Palestine 92, 156;
becomes international under Sykes-Picot
agreement, 1916 163;
Balfour Declaration and subsequent British
control of Palestine 166, 178;
strategic motive for Britain 178;
San Remo conference formally assures area
to Britain, April 1920 178;
mandate 179, 180
Pallavicini, Johann, Count von (1848–1941)
(Austro-Hungarian Minister at Bucharest,
Ambassador at Constantinople, 1906–18;
Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mar.-
May 1911) 33–5, 36, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41,
42, 42–7
Pan-Slavism 86
see also Agadir 57
Pan-Turanism 20
Papen, Franz von, Major (German Chancellor,
1932) 119
Paris Haute Banque 141, 159 n.14
Paris Peace Conference, 1919 62, 67, 167, 179,