41 Constans’ pro-German inclinations occasionally showed through in his correspondence with
the Quai d’Orsay. See Constans to Pichon, 11 Dec. 1906, DDF, II, 10, no. 354, and private
letter from Pichon to Constans, 15 Dec. 1906, DDF, II, 10, no. 361.
42 ‘Notes du Département’ (both dated 26 June 1906), AMAE, Turquie, NS 338.
43 Marschall to Bülow, 10 Dec. 1906, GP, no. 7649.
44 On the Debt Council meeting of 10 Dec., see Bertie (British ambassador to Paris) to Grey
(Foreign Secretary), 9 Dec. 1906, FO 371/144; Pichon to Constans, 9 Dec. 1906, AMAE,
Turquie, NS 388. See also D.C.Blaisdell, European Financial Control in the Ottoman Empire (New
York, 1929), pp. 167–8, and Kent, below, pp. 176–7 and n. 50.
45 Especially Hardinge note of 16 Dec. 1906, FO 371/144.
46 See P.Cambon to Henri Cambon (his son), 9 July 1907, in P.Cambon, Correspondance, 3 vols
(Paris, 1940–6), Vol. II, p. 233.
47 On the problems of France’s Syrian network: Pean (French consul in Beirut) to Delcassé, 14
Feb. 1905, AMAE, Turquie, NS 358; Shorrock, French Imperialism, pp. 147–8.
48 On the Société des Quais: ‘Note sur la Société des Quais de Constantinople’, 6 Aug. 1901,
DDF II, 1, no. 349; Journal officiel, Chambre des Députés, 5 Nov. 1901; Thobie, Intérêts, pp. 384–9.
49 Especially ‘Note pour la Ministre’, 10 Nov. 1904, AMAE, Turquie, NS 357.
50 Constans to Delcassé, 19 Sept. 1903, AMAE, Turquie, NS 356; Thobie, Intérêts, pp. 73–5.
51 Constans to Delcassé, 20 June 1904, AMAE, Turquie, NS 357.
52 See correspondence between Crespi, one of Schneider’s Constantinople representatives, and
Gemy, the firm’s managing director (AMAE, Papiers Constans). This exchange is clarified by
a letter which is unsigned, but clearly from Crespi, in AMAE, Turquie, NS 358. It is addressed
to ‘Schneider et Cie’ and dated 16 April 1905.
53 On the diplomatic dispute in Constantinople, see AMAE, Turquie, NS 358.
54 AMAE, Papiers Constans; AMAE, Turquie, Carton 48; Thobie, Intérêts, pp. 406–15.
55 Pichon to Constans, 22 April 1908, AMAE, Turquie, Carton 48. According to Hardinge,
Permanent Under-Secretary at the British Foreign Office, Constans had ‘a very large pecuniary
interest’ in the Heraclea affair (see K.A.Hamilton, ‘An attempt to form an Anglo-French
“Industrial Entente” ’, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. XI (1975), no. 1, p. 67, n. 23).
56 Pichon to Constans, 1 May 1908, AMAE, Turquie, Carton 48.
57 Pichon to Constans (dispatch), 26 Jan. 1909, AMAE, Papiers Constans.
58 On Constans’ unpopularity, see AMAE, Papiers Constans; ‘Manifesto of Central Committee
of Union and Progress’ (March 1909), FO 371/761; L’Humanité, 4 April 1909. On the IOB’s
unpopularity, see Constans to Pichon, 28 Jan. 1909, AMAE, Turquie, NS 362.
59 Dispatch from Pichon to French ambassadors in Vienna and Berlin, 9 April 1909, DDF, II, 12,
no. 164; Pichon to Constans, 7 April 1909, AMAE, Turquie, NS 362.
60 Caillaux to Pichon, 8 April 1909, AMAE, Turquie, NS 362.
61 Constans to Pichon, 1 June 1909, and J.Cambon (ambassador in Berlin) to Pichon, 29 Aug.
1909, DDF, II, 12, nos. 206, 298.
62 See Marian Kent: ‘Agent of empire? The National Bank of Turkey and British foreign policy’,
Historical Journal, Vol. XVIII, no. 2 (1975), pp. 367–89. Also, see Ahmad, above, p. 14, and
Kent, below, p. 179.
63 Bompard to Pichon, 12 Feb. 1911, DDF, II, 13, no. 151; M.Bompard, ‘L’entrée en guerrede
la Turquie’, La Revue de Paris, 1 July 1921, pp. 61–85, and 15 July 1921, pp. 261–88.
64 Bompard to Cruppi (Foreign Minister), 5 May 1911, DDF, II, 13, no. 282; Note from French
embassy in Constantinople, 8 May 1913, DDF, III, 6, no. 518; Bompard to Pichon, 31 May
1913, DDF, III, 7, no. 5.