Goltz (Göttingen, 1960), pp. 30 ff. In the German (Prussian) army rolls (Ranglisten), the Turkish
trainees were normally listed under the rubric of ‘Offiziere a la suite der Armee’.
36 Hallgarten, Imperialismus, Vol. II, pp. 169, 430 and passim, depicts both men in very dark
colours: Izzet as ‘terribly corrupt and brutal’, evket as ‘energetic’ and pro-German but
‘personally, it appears, hardly less corrupt than the other Turks’. For a very different picture
of evket, see Field-Marshal von der Goltz’s ‘Erinnerungen an Mahmud Schewket Pascha’,
Deutsche Rundschau, Vol. CLVII (1913), 32–46, 184–209; cf. Ahmad, above, p. 14.
37 cf. Walter Hoffmann, ‘Deutsche Banken in der Türkei’, WA, Vol. VI (1915), 410–21;
Raymond Poidevin, Les Relations économique et financières entre la France et l’Allemagne de 1898 à
1914 (Paris, 1969), pp. 64 ff., 242, 253 ff., 567 ff. and passim; and Kurt Grunwald, ‘Penetration
pacifique—the financial vehicles of Germany’s “Drang nach dem Osten” ’, JdIfDG, Beiheft 1
(1975), 85–103. On Bayar, see Metin Tamkoç, The Warrior Diplomats (Salt Lake City, Utah,
1976), pp. 313 ff.
38 In addition to the literature listed in n. 14, see J.B.Wolf, The Diplomatic History of the Bagdad
Railroad (Columbia, MO, 1936); Maybelle K.Chapman, Great Britain and the Bagdad Railway
1888–1914 (Northampton, Mass., 1948), Helmut Mejcher, ‘Die Bagdadbahn als Instrument
deutschen wirtschaftlichen Einflusses im Osmanischen Reich’, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Vol.
I, no. 4 (1975), pp. 447–81, and below, Kent, pp. 181–2, and Fulton, passim.
39 cf. Richard Hennig, Die deutschen Bahnbauten in der Türkei (Leipzig, 1915), p. 9; AA, Türkei
152, Bd 79, Rössler to Bethmann Hollweg, 20 Oct. 1914; Memorandum by Otto Riese 23
Nov. 1914. The information given in Fischer, Krieg, p. 646 (Map 6), is thoroughly garbled.
40 See Hennig, Die deutschen Bahnbauten, p. 28 and passim; and Mühlmann, ‘Die deutschen
Bahnunternehmungen’, pp. 366 ff., 388 ff.
41 See ibid., pp. 369 and 385. For an excellent description of the rolling stock used, see Der
went G.Heslop, ‘The Bagdad Railway’, The Engineer, 3 Dec. 1920, pp. 552 ff.
42 See Herbert Pönicke, ‘Heinrich August Meissner-Pascha und der Bau der Hedschas- und
Bagdadbahn’, Welt als Geschichte, Vol. XVI (1956), pp. 196–210; and Walter Pick, ‘Der
deutsche Pionier Heinrich August Meissner-Pascha und seine Eisenbahnbauten im Nahen
Osten 1901–1917’, JdIfDG, IV (1975), 257–300.
43 See Mejcher, ‘Die Bagdadbahn’, p. 480; Rathmann, Berlin-Bagdad, pp. 34ff.; Earle, Turkey,
pp. 107 ff.; and N.Honig, ‘Schiffahrt und Schiffahrtspolitik der Türkei’, WA, Vol. VII (1916),
pp. 79–92; also Kent, below, pp. 179–80, 182–3, 199 nn. 82–4, 200 n. 94.
44 See Hallgarten, Imperialismus, Vol. I, pp. 267, 307, 478 and passim; Rathmann, BerlinBagdad,
pp. 16 ff.; and Wallach, Anatomie, pp. 105 ff.
45 Morgen, ‘Meine Lebenserinnerungen’, p. 207.
46 On the competition between Krupp and the technologically much more progressive
Ehrhardt firm, cf. Eckart Kehr, Der Primat der Innenpolitik: Gesammelte Aufsdtze…, ed. Hans-
Ulrich Wehler (Berlin, 1965), pp. 223–30; and Willi A. Boelcke, Krupp und die Hohenzollern
in Dokumenten (Frankfurt am Main, 1970), pp. 106 ff., 183 and passim.
47 See Wallach, Anatomie, pp. 105 ff.
48 cf. Hermann Lorey, Der Krieg in den türkischen Gewässern, 2 vols (Berlin, 1928–38), Vol. I, 32
ff.; Paul G.Halpern, The Mediterranean Naval Situation 1908–1914 (Cambridge, Mass., 1971),
pp. 314 ff.; and Djemal Pasha, Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913–1919 (London, 1922),
pp. 83 ff.
49 See Marian Kent, Oil and Empire: British Policy and Mesopotamian Oil, 1900–1920 (London,
1976), pp. 59 ff., 170 ff.; Fischer, Krieg, pp. 434 ff.; and Kent, below, p. 183 and especially
p. 199 n. 92.