matter vs form 38, 63, 86–7, 114, 203
matter, spiritual 40, 63
Matthews, Gareth 215
maxima & minima 98
Maximus the confessor 28
Medici 109, 112
memory 217–8
mental language 144
metaphor 285, 312
metaphysics 189–203
Michael of Cesena, 93–4
Michael Scot 54
millennium 11
modi signiWcandi 143
modistic logic 142–3
monophysitism 17, 27
monothelitism 28
moon 58
motion, 180–2
Muhammad 29
murder 255, 276
natural rights 94
nature 31–2, 265
necessary being 190–1, 289–90
necessity 212, 284
Nestorians 34
Newman, J.H. 99–100
Nicholas of Autrecourt 96–7
Nicholas of Cusa 104–5, 311–2
Nicholas V, Pope 107, 310
nominalism 91, 125, 144–5, 151–3, 208
nothing 32, 116
nouns 123
numbers 33, 62, 293
obligation 275–6
Ockham, William 56, 89–97, 143–50, 173–5,
186–7, 207–211, 245–7, 275–7
omnipotence 295–7, 301–2, 307
omniscience 298–301
ontological argument, 163, 292–5
Oresme, Nicole, 95
original sin 282
ownership vs use 92, 101
Oxford University 33, 55–6, 57, 83, 95, 97–9
Padua University 103, 111
pantheism 287
Paradise 7–9, 258, 274
paradoxes 127, 294
Paris University 55–6, 83, 95
Pasnau, Robert 164
passive intellect 50, 230, 236
past, undoing 295
Paul, St 259, 310
Pelagius 282
Peter de Rivo 153
Peter of Ireland 63
Peter of Maricourt 80
Peter of Spain 129, 146
phantasms 236
Philip the Fair 83
Philoponus, John 26–7, 36, 95, 179–80
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 109–10
Pius X, Pope 76–7
Plantinga, Alvin 293
Plato 8, 22, 50, 105–11, 117, 198
pleasure 216
Plethon, George Gemistos 106
Plotinus 4, 23
plurality of forms 241
Pomponazzi, Pietro 112–4, 247–51
Porphyry 119–20
possibility, logical vs synchronic vs
epistemic 202, 306
possible worlds 87, 202, 292
potentiality, subjective vs objective 203
poverty 92–3
power vs opportunity 245
powers, obvious vs occult 244
practical reason 221, 239–41
Prague University 103
predestination 282, 310
predicables 119
predication 132, 151–2
Proclus 23–5
property 94, 101
prophecy 153–5, 228, 299
propositions 126, 132–4, 299–300
providence 22
punishment, eternal 13 –14
purpose 263
quality 209–10
quantity 209
quiddity 190
quodlibets 66
quotation marks 117
Radulphus Brito 142
Raphael 114
razor, Ockham’s 207
realism 150–3
reason, inferior vs superior 219
receptive intellect 230, 236
recollection 117
reincarnation 253