A Kempis, Thomas 104
Abelard 44–8, 123–7, 133, 260–3, 296–8
abortion 268–270
Abraham 195, 262, 274
abstraction 232, 236
accidents 197–8, 237
active vs contemplative 73, 219
actuality vs potentiality 86, 195–9, 216
Adam & Eve 7–9, 221, 258, 282
Adeodatus 115–7
agent intellect 50, 63, 138, 164–6, 223–5, 236–7
Albert, St 56, 65, 180–2, 232
Alcuin 29
Alexander of Hales, 60, 80, 267
al-Farabi 35, 54, 223
al-Ghazali 40, 49, 54
al-Kindi 35, 223, 288
ampliation 131
analogy vs univocity 86, 139–42, 201
angels 7, 58, 198–9
animals 236, 255
Anselm, St 40–4, 290–5
Monologion 41, 292
Proslogion 41, 292–3
Antichrist 11, 298
apophatic theology 285
appellation 131
Aquinas, St Thomas xii, xv-xvi, 56, 59, 63–79,
136–9, 163–171, 183–5, 195–200, 233–242, 250,
Commentary on Sentences 65
Disputed Questions 66
On Being and Essence 19, 195
On Power 302
Summa contra Gentiles 67–8, 304
Summa Theologiae 68–73, 303
arguments 126
Aristotle 4, 19, 38, 57, 59, 78, 127, 179–80, 216, 250
assertion 132
astrology 184–5
atomism 186–8
Attila 16–17
Augustine, St 1–15, 115–9, 156–162, 176–9,
214–223, 252–60
Confessions 3, 115–6, 157, 176–9, 218
City of God 4–17, 255–9
On Free Will 3, 216
On the Teacher 116
On the Trinity 156–8, 218–21
Averroes 48–50, 182, 230–1
Avicebron 39
Avicenna, xvii, 37–9, 54, 182, 195–213, 224–30,
Avignon, 91–2
Babylon 10
Bacon, Roger 80–2
Barbara celarent 135
Baroco 135
Basel, Council of 104
beatiWc vision 15, 62, 95, 266
Being 86, 190; possible vs necessary 190–1
Ben Maimon, Moses, 48–53
Bernard, St 45, 297
Bessarion, Cardinal 106–7
best world 302
Bocardo 135
body vs soul 8, 38, 63
Boethius 18–23, 119–22, 283–5
Bologna University 55
Bonaventure, St 56, 60–3, 92, 162–3, 185–6
Boniface VIII, Pope 83
Brabant, Duchess of 271
Bradwardine, Thomas 97, 99
brain 227, 232
Brown, Peter 258
Buridan, Jean, 95–6
Burley, Walter 97, 150, 188
Cain & Abel 9, 276
Cajetan 111
candlelight 87
capital punishment 255, 268
capitalism 270–1
categorematic vs syncategorematic 129
categories 90, 118–20, 208–10, 285–7
causes 303, 305
Chalcedon, Council of 17, 27
charioteer 284
Charlemagne 29
Charles of Anjou 73
Charles the Bald 30–3,