1.4 Riemann Surfaces and Moduli Spaces 65
Riemann surfaces. The moduli problem then consists of defining and understanding
the space of all such Riemann surfaces (modulo holomorphic equivalence).
1. A Riemann surface " is a discrete (fixed point free, cocompact) faith-
ful representation of the fundamental group π
(S) into G := PSL(2, R), deter-
mined up to conjugation by an element of G. The moduli space is the space of
such representations modulo conjugation.
More precisely: A Riemann surface " is a quotient H/, where H ={z =
x + iy ∈ C : y>0} is the Poincaré upper half plane and is a discrete group of
isometries with respect to the hyperbolic metric
dz ∧d ¯z. (1.4.1)
is a subgroup of the isometry group PSL(2, R) of H .
Here, PSL(2, R) =
SL(2, R)/±1, acting on H via z →
, with a,b,c,d satisfying ad − bc = 1
describing an element of SL(2, R). should operate properly discontinuously and
freely. It thus should not contain elliptic elements. This excludes singularities of the
quotient H/ arising from fixed points of the action of . In order to exclude cusps,
that is, in order to ensure that H/ is compact, parabolic elements (see insertion
below) of also have to be excluded. Thus, all elements of different from the
identity should be hyperbolic.
Insertion: Here, a transformation z →
of H is called hyperbolic if it has
two fixed points on the extended real axis
R = ∂H ∪ {∞}, parabolic if it has one
fixed point on
R, and elliptic if it has a fixed point in H . Since the fixed points
are computed to be
(a +d)
−4, the transformation is hyperbolic iff
|a +d| > 2. The standard example of a hyperbolic transformation is z → 2z, with
fixed points at 0 and ∞, and a parabolic one is given by z →
, which has its
unique fixed point at 0. A hyperbolic transformation γ maps the hyperbolic geo-
desic l between its two fixed points p
(the semicircle through p
and p
thogonal to the real axis) into itself, that is, it is a translation along the hyperbolic
geodesic l. We can then easily visualize the operation of γ on H ; it simply maps
each geodesic orthogonal to l to another such geodesic orthogonal to l, with the
shift already determined by the operation of γ on l. When we consider the example
z → 2z, the invariant geodesic is the imaginary axis. The invariant geodesic in H
becomes a closed geodesic on the surface H/, with length given by the length
of the shift. A parabolic transformation does not have a fixed geodesic, but instead
rotates any geodesic through its fixed point into another such geodesic. Therefore,
a parabolic transformation does not produce a closed geodesic in the quotient.
is isomorphic to the fundamental group π
(S). Thus, a Riemann surface is
described by a faithful representation ρ of π
(S) in G := PSL(2, R). This essen-
tially leads to the approach of Ahlfors and Bers to Teichmüller theory. Here, we
need to identify any two representations that only differ by a conjugation with an
The isometries of H are the same as the conformal automorphisms of H , because of the confor-
mal invariance of the metric.