1.2 Bundles and Connections 35
The special case where all transition maps take their values in an Abelian subgroup
A of Diff(F ) yields some additional structure: The transition maps {ϕ
}then define
Cech cocycle on M with values in A, because (1.2.4) and (1.2.5)imply
}) =0
for the boundary operator δ.By(1.2.9), two such cocycles {ϕ
} and {ϕ
} define
the same bundle if {ϕ
} is a coboundary. Thus, in this case, we can consider
a bundle as a cohomology class in H
(M, A).
A section of E is a smooth map
s :M →E
π ◦s =id.
We denote the space of sections by C
(E) or (E).
For our purposes, we shall only need two special (closely related) types of fiber
bundles. The fiber F will be either a vector space V or a Lie group G. The important
general principle here is to require that the transition maps respect the corresponding
structure. Thus, they are not allowed to assume arbitrary values in Diff(F ), but only
in some fixed Lie group G. G is called the structure group of the bundle.
According to this principle, the fiber of a vector bundle is a real or complex
vector space V of some real dimension n, and the structure group is Gl(n, R) or
some subgroup. A bundle whose fiber is a Lie group G is called a principal bundle,
and the total space is denoted by P . The structure group is G or some subgroup, and
it operates by left multiplication on the fiber G. Right multiplication on G induces
a right action of G on P via local trivializations:
P ×G →P, (x,g)∗h =(x, gh) for p =(x, g) ∈P,
with the composition rule (p ∗ g)h = p ∗ gh. This action is free, that is, p ∗ g =
p ⇔ g = e (neutral element). The projection π : P → M is obtained by simply
identifying x ∈M with an orbit of this action, that is,
π : P →P/G=M.
The groups Gl(n, R), O(n), SO(n), U(n) and SU(n) will be the ones of interest
for us. Acting as linear groups on a vector space, they preserve linear, Euclidean, or
Hermitian structures. For example, a Euclidean structure, that is, a (positive definite)
scalar product, is an additional structure on a vector space. According to the general
principle, if we have such a structure on our fiber, it has to be respected by the tran-
sition maps. As before, this restricts the transformations permitted. In our example,
we thus allow only O(n) in place of Gl(n, R). Such a restriction of the admissi-
ble transformations by imposing an additional structure that has to be preserved is
called a reduction of the structure group.
We assume here that M is connected; otherwise, in place of A itself, we should utilize the locally
constant sheaf of A.