6–10% by vol of feed. Some C
’s and lighter are also formed but these are usually
in small quantities.
Step 5. As in the method used for naphtha hydro-treating, calculate the hydrogen
required to remove the sulfur molecules. Again add 2 times this quantity to saturate
the compounds that contained the sulfur.
Step 6. The light ends formed through the minor cracking to release thiophenes and
disulfides will need to be saturated. This consumes hydrogen. Approximately 2
moles of hydrogen will be required for this purpose per mole of light ends formed.
Using past lab tests on the hydro-treater naphtha develop the TBP and split to
pseudo components. Allocate mole weights and gravities to these components to
arrive at a number of moles/hr for the light ends. Calculate the hydrogen consumpt-
Step 7. The remaining hydrogen requirements will be to replace hydrogen lost in solu-
tion with the liquid product and of course that lost in the purge stream. Commence
with the calculation to determine solution loss as follows.
Step 8. Establish the component analysis of the make up gas. This is usually catalytic
reformer off gas or if the naphtha hydro-treater is operating on a once through gas
basis it will be the off gas from that unit.
Step 9. Calculate the amount in moles/hr of each component associated in the make
up gas with the hydrogen required for the chemical reactions calculated in Steps 5
and 6.
Step 10. Let x moles/hr be the hydrogen that leaves in solution with the liquid product
from the separator and the purge gas. Calculate in terms of x the proportion of the
other components in the make up gas associated with the hydrogen.
Step 11. Add the C
portion of the make up gas to the x components calcu-
lated in Step 10. Add also the C
+ naphtha components which were made in the
process and of course a guess at the number of moles of H
S that will be in the
liquid phase of the separation drum. To do this look at the “K”(equilibrium con-
stant) for H
S at drum conditions. Use this to estimate its proportion in liquid.
For example if K = 1 then the split will be close to 50% in liquid and 50% in
Step 12. Set the amount of purge in terms of its proportion to the liquid product (that
is set the V/L for flash vaporization). This will be such as to provide a recycle gas
hydrogen content of above 63% mole after H
S removal. This figure is trial and
error. Start with V/L = 0.1.
Step 13. Carry out a flash calculation in terms of x and using V/L set in Step 12. Solve
for x. The vapor steam from this calculation is the purge gas in terms of moles/hr
and composition. It also is the composition of the recycle gas.
Step 14. Complete the calculation for hydrogen consumption and make up gas using
the value for x above.
An example calculation now follows.