118 4 Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
It can be shown
that the series in the exponent converges for such X and Y , and
that the series consists entirely of iterated commutators, so that the exponent really
is an element of g (if the exponent had a term like XY in it, this would not be
the case since matrix Lie algebras are in general not closed under ordinary matrix
multiplication). Thus, the BCH formula plays a role analogous to that of the Lie
product formula, but in the other direction: while the Lie product formula expresses
Lie algebra addition in terms of group multiplication, the BCH formula expresses
group multiplication in terms of the commutator on the Lie algebra. The BCH
formula thus tells us that much of the group structure of G is encoded in the
structure of the commutator on g. You will calculate the first few terms of the
exponential in the BCH formula in Problem 4.11.
Now we are ready to look at the Lie algebras of some familiar matrix Lie groups.
Example 4.23 o(n) and u(n): The Lie algebras of O(n) and U(n)
Recall from the beginning of this section that o(3) is just the set of all real, anti-
symmetric 3 ×3 matrices. You should note that the calculations which proved this
did not depend in any way on n, so we can conclude in general that o(n) is just the
set of all real, antisymmetric n × n matrices. You can check that the matrices A
from Example 2.8 form a basis for o(n), so that dim o(n) =
. As we will see
in detail in the n =3 case, the A
can be interpreted as generating rotations in the
i–j plane.
As for u(n), if we start with defining condition of U(n), A
=I , and perform
the same manipulations that led from (4.57)to(4.59), we find that for any X ∈u(n),
=−X. (4.69)
In other words, X must be anti-Hermitian. Furthermore, the same argument that
showed that any antisymmetric matrix is in o(n) also shows that any anti-Hermitian
matrix is in u(n),sou(n) is the set of all n ×n anti-Hermitian matrices. In Exer-
cise 2.5 you constructed a basis for H
(C), and as we mentioned in Example 2.4,
multiplying a Hermitian matrix by i yields an anti-Hermitian matrix. Thus, if we
multiply the basis from Exercise 2.5 by i we get a basis for u(n), and it then follows
that dimu(n) =n
. Note that a real antisymmetric matrix can also be considered an
anti-Hermitian matrix, so that o(n) ⊂u(n).
Before meeting some other Lie algebras, we have a loose end to tie up. We claimed earlier
that most physical observables are best thought of as elements of Lie algebras (we will justify this
statement in Sect. 4.7). However, we know that those observables must be represented by Hermi-
tian operators (so that their eigenvalues are real), and yet here we see that the elements of o(n) and
u(n) are anti-Hermitian! This is where our mysterious factor of i, which we mentioned in the last
section, comes into play. Strictly speaking, o(n) and u(n) are real vector spaces whose elements are
anti-Hermitian matrices. However, if we permit ourselves to ignore the real vector space structure
and treat these matrices just as elements of M
(C), we can multiply them by i to get Hermitian
matrices which we can then take to represent physical observables. In the physics literature, one
See Hall [8] for a nice discussion and Varadarajan [17] for a complete proof.