98 4 Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
n =(n
) and the components of
n are not all independent since n
=1. This constraint, along with the three components of
n and the angle θ,
then give us three free parameters with which to describe an arbitrary rotation, just
as with the Euler angles. For a nice geometric interpretation of the above matrix, see
Problem 4.3.
Example 4.12 O(3): Orthogonal group in 3 dimensions
If SO(3) is the group of all three-dimensional rotations, then what are we to make
of O(3), the group of all orthogonal 3 × 3 matrices without the restriction on the
determinant? Well, as we pointed out in Example 3.27, the orthogonality condition
actually implies
that |R|=±1, so in going from SO(3) to O(3) we are just adding
all the orthogonal matrices with |R|=−1. These new matrices are sometimes re-
ferred to as improper rotations, as opposed to the elements with |R|=1 which are
known as proper rotations. Now, amongst the improper rotations is our old friend
the inversion transformation, −I , which should be familiar from Example 3.27.
Any improper rotation can be written as the product of a proper rotation and the
inversion transformation, as R =(−I)(−R) (note that if R is an improper rotation,
then −R is a proper rotation). Thus, an improper rotation can be thought of as a
proper rotation followed
by the inversion transformation. One important feature of
O(3) is that its two parts, the proper and improper rotations, are disconnected,in
the sense that one cannot continuously go from matrices with |R|=1 to matrices
with |R|=−1 (if one can continuously go from one group element to any other,
then the group is said to be connected. It is disconnected if it is not connected).
One can, however, multiply by −I to go between the two components. This is rep-
resented schematically in Fig. 4.1. Note that the stipulation in our definition that a
rotation must be continuously obtainable from the identity excludes all the improper
rotations, as it should.
Example 4.13 SU(2): Special unitary group in two complex dimensions
As mentioned in Example 4.7, SU(2) is the group of all 2 ×2 complex matrices A
which satisfy |A|=1 and
You can check (see Exercise 4.9 below) that a generic element of SU(2) looks like
β ¯α
,α,β∈C, |α|
=1. (4.25)
This fact can be understood geometrically: since orthogonal matrices preserve distances and an-
gles, they should preserve volumes as well. As we learned in Example 3.27, the determinant mea-
sures how volume changes under the action of a linear operator, so any volume preserving operator
should have determinant ±1. The sign is determined by whether or not the orientation is reversed.
One can actually think of the inversion as following or preceding the proper rotation, since −I
commutes with all matrices.