10.7 Valuation of Options 583
As shown by Chesney and Jeanblanc [174], this extension generates good
results only if the underlying process is continuous at the exercise boundary
with probability one (e.g., in the case of perpetual currency calls, when jumps
are negative). Otherwise, if the overshoot is strictly positive at the exercise
boundary (positive jumps for the currency in the call case) the pricing problem
is more difficult to tackle and one should be very cautious when applying a
MacMillan approximation. Therefore, a new approach is developed in the
paper [174].
Pham [709] considers the American put option valuation in a jump-
diffusion model (Merton’s assumptions), and relates this problem (which is
indeed an optimal stopping problem) to a parabolic integro-differential free
boundary problem. By extending the Riesz decomposition obtained by Carr et
al. [154] for a diffusion model, Pham derives a decomposition of the American
put price as the sum of a European price and an early exercise premium. The
latter term requires the identification of the exercise boundary. In the same
context, Zhang [873, 875] relies on variational inequalities and shows how to
use numerical methods, (finite difference methods), to price the American
put. Zhang [874] describes this problem as a free boundary problem, and by
using the MacMillan approximation obtains a price for the perpetual put, and
an approximation of the finite maturity put price. These results are obtained
only when jumps are positive. Mastroeni and Matzeu [628, 627] obtain an
extension of Zhang results in a multidimensional state space.
Boyarchenko and Levendorskii [119], Mordecki [659, 658]andGerber
and Shiu [388] also consider the American option pricing problem. They
obtain solutions which are explicit only if the distribution of the jump size is
exponential or if the jump size is negative for a call (resp. positive for a put).
Mordecki [659] establishes the value of the boundary for a perpetual option
in terms of the law of the extrema of the underlying L´evy process.
The structure of this section is as follows. We first present the valuation of
European calls. We give the explicit solution when the jumps are log-normally
distributed. In the case of constant jump size, the PDE for option pricing is
then obtained. In Subsection 10.7.2, the perpetual American currency call
option and its exercise boundary are considered. Exact analytical solutions
are derived when the jump size is negative, i.e., when the overshoot of the
exercise boundary is equal to 0. They are based on the computation of the
Laplace transform of the first passage time of the process at the exercise
boundary, which is obtained by use of the optimal sampling theorem. As in
Zhang [874]orBates[59], we then show, in Subsection 10.7.2, how an accurate
approximation for the valuation of finite maturity options can be obtained by
relying on the perpetual maturity case. See also Chapter 11 for a study if
the jumps can take positive values.