Subject Index 731
Reflection principle, 136
Regular diffusion, 270
L´evy-Khintchine, 593
Resolvent, 144
kernel, 277
of a Markov process, 17
Risk premium, 91, 94
Risk-neutral probability
Black and Scholes framework, 96
for DZC, 416
Running maximum, 41, 326
Scale function, 271
for a CEV, 371
for BESQ, 336
for Bessel processes, 274
for Brownian motion, 274
for Geometric BM, 274
for reflected Brownian motion, 274
for Vasicek process, 275
for squared Bessel processes, 338
property for BM, 32
Securities, 80
Self-decomposable r.v., 596
Self-financing condition
with consumption, 64
Self-financing strategy, 81, 104, 544
Selling price, 575
Semi-group of an time-homogeneous
Markov process, 16
Semi-martingale, 27, 522
pseudo-continuous, 529
special, 522
Short-selling, 81
optional, 512
predictable, 512
Smooth-fit principle, 196
strictly weak - for SDE, 43
strong - for SDE, 43
weak - for SDE, 43
Spectrally negative L´evy process, 632
Speed measure, 271
for a CEV, 371
for Brownian motion, 274
for Geometric BM, 274
for reflected Brownian motion, 274
credit, 410
process, 608
random variable, 598
State-price density, 93
Stieltjes integral, 510
exponential, 52, 617
logarithm, 533, 617
Stochastic Differential Equations
and mixed processes, 556
existence theorem, 43
Stop-Loss strategy, 229
Stopped process, 22
Stopping time, 21
predictable, 22, 513
pseudo, 24, 326, 430
totally inaccessible, 22, 513
admissible, 85
hedging, 87
Stratonovich integral, 41, 51
Strict local martingale, 26, 77, 226,
336, 339, 341, 371, 372, 560
Strong solution for SDE, 43
Structure condition, 538
Structure equation, 522, 579, 580
Sturm-Liouville equation, 353
Subordinator, 600, 634
Super-replication price, 548, 575
Survival distribution
function, 409
Symmetry, 160
American boundaries, 198, 588
American put-call, 197
Asian option, 383
European put-call, 162
for Parisian options, 256
in a jump-diffusion model, 562
put-call - for mixed processes, 562,
Tanaka’s formulae
for Brownian motion, 214
Tanaka-Meyer formulae
for semi-martingales, 224
Tempered stable process, 640