3.6 Barrier Options 165
• An UIC (up-and-in call) is activated as soon as the underlying value
hits the barrier H from below. Its price is
− K)
) .
The same definitions apply to puts, binary options and bonds. For example
• ADIPisadown-and-in put.
• A binary down-and-in call (BinDIC) is a binary call, activated only if
the underlying value falls below the barrier, before maturity. The payoff is
<T }
• ADIB(down-and-in bond) is a product which generates one monetary
unit at maturity if the barrier L has been reached beforehand by the
underlying. Its value is E
<T }
Barrier options are often used on currency markets. Their prices are smaller
than the corresponding standard European prices. This provides an advantage
for the marketing of these products. However, they are more difficult to hedge.
Depending on the “at the barrier” intrinsic value, these exotic options can
be classified further :
• A barrier option that is out of the money when the barrier L is reached
is called a regular option. As an example, note that the time-t intrinsic
value (x −K)
of a DIC such that K ≥ L isequalto0forx = L.
• A barrier option which is in the money when the barrier is reached is called
a reverse option.
• Some barrier options generate a rebate received in cash when the barrier
L is reached. The value of the rebate corresponds to the payoff of a binary
option. In particular, the rebate is often chosen in such a way that the
payoff continuity is kept at the barrier, e.g., if the payoff is f(S
T , the rebate is f (L).
Let us remark that by relying on the absence of arbitrage opportunities, to
being long on one in-option and on one out-option is equivalent to be long on
a plain-vanilla option. Therefore, we restrict our attention to in-options.
Comments (a) Barrier options are studied in a discrete time setting
in Wilmott et al. [847], Chesney et al. [176], Musiela and Rutkowski [661],
Zhang [872], Pliska [721] and Wilmott [846].
(b) In continuous time, the main papers are Andersen et al. [16],
Rubinstein and Reiner [746], Bowie and Carr [116], Rich [733], Heynen and
Kat [434], Douady [262], Carr and Chou [148], Baldi et al. [42], Linetsky
[593] and Suchanecki [814]. Broadie et al. [130] present some correction terms
between discrete and continuous time barrier options.
(c) Roberts and Shortland [735] study a case where the underlying has
time dependent coefficients. The books of Kat [516], Musiela and Rutkowski
[661], Zhang [872] and Wilmott [846] contain more information. Taleb [818]
studies hedging strategies.