INDEX • 1041
anatomy, 3—49
blood supply, 43—6
embryonic development, 3—5, 24, 34, 37
endodontic lesions in marginal periodontium, 323—6
impact of endodontic treatment on, 326—33
influence of pathologic conditions in the pulp on the
periodontium, 319—24
lymphatic system, 47
nerves, 48-9
root cementum, 3, 31—4
see also
alveolar bone; gingiva; periodontal ligament
peripheral giant cell granuloma, 301—2
peripheral inflammatory root resorption (PIRR), 337—8
peripheral odontogenic tumors, 305—6
peroxyborate, 474
peroxycarbonate, 474
phenols, 473—4
phenytoin sodium (epinutin), 203, 204
picks, 455
planning treatment, 414—31
additional (corrective) therapy, 420—22
case presentation, 418—19
case reports, 422—31
diagnosis, 416
implants, 857
initial (cause-related) therapy, 414, 419
initial treatment plan, 416—17
re-evaluation, 419—22
screening for periodontal disease, 415—16
single tooth risk assessment, 417—18
supportive therapy, 415, 422
Plaque Index, 51
atheromatic plaque; dental plaque
plasma cells, 21
plastic surgery,
mucogingival therapy
pneumonia, 380
polymers, 666
polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes, 21, 167—9, 175, 182,
191, 212
polyvinylmethyl ether maleic acid, 473
Porphyrornonas endodontalis,
Porphyromonas gingivalis,
64, 66, 70, 71, 73, 82, 107, 113, 116
17, 126, 129, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 164, 166,
169, 172, 182, 319, 375, 389, 494, 497, 681
aggressive periodontitis and, 217, 227—8, 235
antibiotics and, 499, 502
breath malodor (halitosis) and, 513
coronary heart disease and, 375—6
effects of therapy on, 563, 564, 565, 568, 571
linear gingival erythema (LGE) and, 274
peri-implantitis and, 1020
periodontal abscesses, 262
pregnancy complications and, 377
posterior single-tooth replacement, 961—5
posterior superior dental nerve, 48
postnasal drip, 513
postoperative pain, 539, 550
postsurgical care, 550
povidone iodine, 475
pregnancy, 179, 183, 184—6, 201—2
periodontal disease and complications in, 72—3, 376—8,
preterm birth, periodontal disease and, 72—3, 376—8, 381—2
preventive measures
implant maintenance, 1026—9
periodontal disease, 782—4
64, 107, 119, 127, 134, 135, 136, 137, 182,
184, 185, 375, 389
aggressive periodontitis and,
225, 227
antibiotics and, 502
breath malodor (halitosis) and, 513
effects of therapy on, 563, 565, 571
linear gingival erythema (LGE) and, 274
necrotizing periodontal disease and, 252
peri-implantitis and, 1020
periodontal abscesses, 262
135, 137, 262
107, 119, 127
prilocaine, 538—9
primary herpetic gingivostomatitis (PHG), 249—50, 270—72
progesterone, 183, 185, 187
proinflammatory cytokines, 167
prostaglandins, 167
proteinase inhibitors, 166
proteinases, 165—6
Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
121, 380
psychological diseases, 854
puberty, 179, 183, 184, 202
pulp, 318
furcation involvement and, 711
influence of pathologic conditions in the pulp on the
periodontium, 319—24
influence of periodontal disease on condition of, 339—40
influence of periodontal treatment measures on, 340—44
necrosis, 319—23
pus, 795
pyogenic granuloma, 301
pregnancy, 185, 202
quaternary ammonium compounds, 473
cetylpyridinium chloride, 471, 473
race, necrotizing periodontal disease and, 255
radicular cysts, 315—16
radiography, 838—50
aggressive periodontitis, 223—4
alveolar bone, 52, 409—10
assessment of periodontal regeneration, 652
basic principles, 838
digital intraoral radiography, 850
evaluation of periodontal disease progression, 796
furcation involvement diagnosis, 711
maintenance, 1025—6
intraoral and panoramic, 838—40
periodontally compromised patient, 838
postoperative, 847—50
preoperative evaluations, 838—47, 855—6
root resorption, 334, 335
symptoms of periodontal disease, 403
radiotherapy, 309, 854
recall system, compliance with, 787—8
reciprocating instruments, 440—41
reduced dental epithelium, 16
refractory periodontitis, antibiotic therapy, 502
regenerative therapy, 650—95
access therapy, 531