Fig. 42-8a-d.
Alternative 1
A removable partial denture anchored with attach-
ments or clasps to the canines/incisiors. This solution
was not readily acceptable to the patient.
A fixed, cross-arch bridge extending from tooth 13 (
with cantilever in position 14) to tooth 26 (palatal
Alternative 3
One implant-supported bridge distal of tooth 13, and
one tooth-supported fixed bridge extending from 23
to 26 (provided that at least one root in the molar tooth
could be maintained following furcation therapy and
root resection).
Initial therapy
The cause-related therapy included oral hygiene in-
struction and meticulous scaling and root planing.
Teeth 16, 15 and 14 were extracted and a temporary
restoration placed on 13 and 12 with cantilevers on
positions 15 and 14 (Fig. 42-8). The cantilever in posi
tion 15 was in infraocclusion. The existing restoration
22...26 was removed and replaced with a temporary
reconstruction in acrylic. Teeth 26, 36 and 46 were
exposed to endodontic therapy.
Corrective therapy
A re-examinmation performed 3 months after the end
of the initial therapy phase disclosed that the patient's
self-performed plaque control was excellent. Several
deep pockets with positive BoP still existed. Flap sur
gery was performed in both the maxilla and mandible
to get access for proper scaling and root planing.
During surgery tooth 26 was subjected to root resec
tion and the remaining roots were subsequently fitted
with a post.
Implant therapy
The edentulous region of the right maxilla was anes
thetized. An incision, extending from region 13 to
region 16, was made at the top of the crest and full
thickness flaps were raised. Three fixture sites were
prepared in positions 14, 15 and 16. Fixtures of the
Astra Tech Implants
Dental System were installed;
diameter = 3.5 mm; length = 13 mm (position 14), 11
mm (position 15), and 11 mm (position 15). Abutment
connection was 6 months later in a second stage pro
Restorative therapy
Two bridges — porcelain fused to gold — were fabri-
cated; one for the implant section (position 14... 16)
Fig. 42-9) and one for the tooth section (22... 26) (Fig.
42-10). In addition, single crowns were produced for
teeth 13 and 12 (Fig. 42-11).