Benefits management and realisation (Techniques 71–72)
Benefits management and benefits realisation are, in fact, separate activities,
though they are closely connected. Benefits management involves managing the
whole project with one eye very firmly on the expected benefits, and in such a way
that the chance of achieving these benefits is maximised. Benefits realisation
involves checking, after the project has completed, whether the benefits were
gained or not – and, if not, what else could yet be done to secure them.
A benefits review also helps an organisation, over time, become better at choosing
which projects to undertake – just as a post-project review (a different thing)
enables an organisation to get better at the execution of projects.
Technique 66: Cultural analysis
Description of the technique
Many of the techniques employed by the BA are inherently portable, in that they
can be used across a wide variety of sectors and types of enterprise, in the public
as well as the private sector, in large concerns and in small ones. However, the
role of the BA is such that consideration also needs to be given to the less tangible
cultural characteristics that differentiate organisations from one other. These
characteristics are often overlooked, but the success of any proposed business
change is often dependent on understanding these differences and adapting the
business analysis approach to them. Guidance in this area focuses on techniques
related to the study of organisational and corporate culture. While sometimes
these two are seen as interchangeable, organisational culture is in fact wider in
scope than corporate culture, and focuses on the social glue that binds the
organisation together; it is sometimes described as a company’s ‘DNA’. Corporate
culture, which is more likely to be capable of being ‘imported’ (for instance, by
bringing in external specialists with their own inherent culture), is more holistic,
usually historically determined and difficult to change. Corporate culture can be
considered as further subdivided into two main areas: subjective aspects – based
on an understanding of heroes, myths and rituals, which are often unique to a
specific organisation; and objective aspects – based on a study of elements such as
office decor, location and amenities, and rarely company specific.
A study of the various cultural aspects, both corporate and organisational, leads
to an understanding of the identity of the organisation, and helps when deciding
what needs to go and what needs to stay for the organisation to achieve its
strategic goals. Theoretical studies on this topic are plentiful, with some excellent
guidance provided to support their use in practice. Here we give a summary of
the main published work, and suggest which of it is most likely to add specific
value to the role of the BA, thereby maximising the chance of successfully
implementing change.
In terms of corporate culture, Deal and Kennedy (on behalf of the McKinsey
organisation) originally coined the phrase ‘The way we do things around here’