its level of quality. It is for this reason that things can usually
only be prioritised properly once a certain level of decomposition
and definition of the requirements has been achieved.
Should have: These are important requirements for which there is a
work-around in the short term, or where expectations can be
managed. They are things that would have normally have been
classified as ‘Must haves’ in a less time-constrained situation,
but the deliverable will still be useful and usable without them
initially. The mindset of good MoSCoW prioritisation is that one
would normally expect to deliver, in addition to all the ‘Must
haves’, a large proportion of the ‘Should haves’ (but this delivery
is not guaranteed). The ‘Should haves’ are often described as
those things that you would expect to be included within a
product of this type, but whose non-inclusion would not
necessarily delay the release. They would, however, be expected
to be delivered soon afterwards, since the work-around is not
usually a long term solution.
Could have: These are requirements that can more easily be left out at this
point. They may well be included in this delivery if their
inclusion is easy to achieve without jeopardising the delivery
of the ‘Must haves’ and ‘Should haves’. A ‘Could have’ may be
differentiated from a ‘Should have’ by considering the degree of
pain caused by its non-inclusion in terms of business value or
number of people affected.
Want to have This refers to those valuable requirements that can wait until
but won’t later. It is often useful to keep these in the initial priority list,
have this since, although they are not due for delivery yet, knowledge that
time round they will be coming later may influence design decisions and the
(or won’t approach taken to the planning of subsequent deliveries.
get yet): Remember, however, that although something is a ‘W’ initially
it will almost certainly get a different priority in subsequent
increments (perhaps even an ‘M’ in the next one), and knowing
when it is due to be delivered can be very useful for planning
This clear definition of terms with precise meanings is significantly better than
any prioritisation approach that uses numerical values for priorities, or, even
worse, words such as high, medium or low, which do not have a precise meaning
outside a specific context.
All of the items in the prioritised requirements list (the MoSCoW list) are
due for delivery at some point, although the total delivery may be spread
over a number of increments. The MoSCoW rules provide the basis on which
decisions can be made regarding the whole project, and during any timeboxes
included within the project. It is for this reason that the techniques of
prioritisation and timeboxing are so useful when applied together. The MoSCoW
list is likely to change throughout the project, in terms both of changes to
requirements and of changes to the priorities themselves. For this reason