The storyboard in Figure 6.1 shows the interaction between a customer and a
travel agent’s representative, and the various screens navigated during the
booking of a holiday. It helps to emphasise the importance of the holiday
brochure, the physical flight tickets and the visual map, as well as showing
the possible screenshots themselves.
Storyboards can change a lot as you are working on them. When you feel you
have a good first attempt, with lots of detail and a reasonable sequence, you can
move to using software to log all the information agreed so far and to support a
very visual way of doing things, while allowing everyone in the team to have a
shared copy for subsequent use. Presentation software such as PowerPoint works
well for this. Each individual slide can be used as a frame in the storyboard, and
it is easy to insert images, text, tables, charts and screenshots as required. Most
presentation software also allows you to add notes at the bottom of the slide,
which can be printed off separately from the slides and will provide additional
support when talking through the storyboard with users.
The main benefits of storyboards are that they:
provide an overview of a system (both the manual and the automated parts);
demonstrate the functionality of the various storyboard elements;
demonstrate the navigation sequence;
check whether the presentation is accurate and complete;
can be evaluated by users early in the requirements gathering process.
Technique 52: Prototyping
Many industries benefit from the use of mock-ups, models, visual designs and
prototypes to establish requirements, confirm expectations and test the
achievability of objectives. These can range from simple storyboards through
scale models to fully working prototypes. They can be temporary, transient, or
disposable – here called throwaway prototypes. Some, however, may be
evolutionary prototypes, for example working models, which will ultimately
evolve into the eventual solution (usually as part of some Agile or iterative
development lifecycle). For instance, in a software-related project, screens may be
prototyped and refined before the detailed logic is written to make them fully
functional. Once reviewed and agreed, these then become the basis of the design
of the final product.
The benefits of building prototypes are significant. Prototyping is one of the many
techniques that Agile approaches such as DSDM/Atern (DSDM Consortium
2007) and Scrum (Schwaber 2004) adopt to ensure effective communication
between stakeholders, whether from different parts of the business, different
organisations or different cultures. The Agile approach advocates the use of such
models to improve communication and to bring ideas to life by making products
more visible early in the lifecycle. As discussed previously, prototyping may
involve diagrammatic representations such as storyboards, often driven by the
definition of a range of scenarios. The intention is to produce something visible,