Introduction: This ‘sets the scene’ for the document and explains why
it has been prepared. The methods used to conduct the
business analysis study may also be outlined here,
together with thanks for those in the business community
who have contributed to the work.
Management This part of the business case is in many ways the most
summary important, since it is probably the main (or perhaps the
(or executive only) part that the senior decision-makers will read fully.
summary): It should be created after the rest of the business case has
been prepared, and should summarise the whole thing
concisely, ideally in three paragraphs:
1. what the business analysis study was for, and what its
principal findings were;
2. what options were considered, and what their main
advantages and disadvantages were;
3. a recommendation as to what should be done, and a
clear statement of the decision required.
The three-paragraph format is an ideal, and, realistically,
cannot always be achieved. Even so, the management
summary should be kept as brief and focused as possible
so that the managers can understand the issues quickly
and see clearly what decision they are required to make.
Background This is a more detailed discussion of the situation now,
or description and what problems or opportunities have been discovered
of the current for the organisation during the study. Again, this part
situation: of the document should be kept as brief as possible,
commensurate with explaining the issues properly.
A particular difficulty sometimes arises where the
‘problem’, as originally defined by the management or
the project sponsor, turns out not to be the real issue.
In this case a more detailed explanation of what the real
issue is may be required, so as to show why the later
recommendations are as they are.
Options Each of the options on the shortlist should be presented
considered: briefly, and an explanation given as to why some are not
being recommended. As we mentioned when discussing
force-field analysis (Technique 43), special care may have
to be taken when dismissing an option that is the ‘pet idea’
of an important stakeholder such as the project sponsor.
The ‘do nothing’ option should also be set out here, maybe
to show that the organisation will suffer from doing
nothing, or perhaps because it is a realistic possibility.
Description The costs and benefits of the proposed solution are now
of benefits analysed in more detail, but, psychologically, it is better
and costs: to present them the other way round – benefits and