200 5 Solid-State NMR of Oxidation Catalysts
the satellite transitions. Second - order quadrupolar coupling does have an effect on
the central transition, broadening it and thus causing the linewidth to increase.
As a result, linewidths from quadrupolar nuclei are greater than those from I =
1/2 nuclei such as
H. One of the effects of second - order quadrupolar coupling is
to produce an irremovable isotropic quadrupolar shift. In liquids, rapid molecular
orientation eliminates the effects of this shift.
There are therefore a wide number of interactions that infl uence NMR - active
nuclei, giving rise to potentially very complex spectra from which it can be diffi cult
to extract the parameters of interest, particularly in the case of complex materials
such as catalysts. The ever increasing development of instrumentation, however,
making, for instance, higher magnetic fi elds or higher spinning speeds (where
appropriate) accessible, has made possible the development of many advanced
NMR techniques. These techniques, applied correctly, allow a wealth of informa-
tion to be extracted from NMR spectra. The approach taken can be to remove
interactions which complicate spectra, such as line broadening in the case of
magic angle spinning ( MAS ) (Section ). Alternatively, it may be desirable
to selectively probe otherwise unwanted interactions. Off - resonance nutation
NMR (Section ), for instance, reveals the structural information present in
the quadrupole interaction, while double resonance techniques (Section )
re - introduce dipolar couplings, removed under magic angle spinning. Through
such approaches it is possible to extract a wide variety of information, even from
structurally complex oxidation catalysts. The following sections outline techniques
that are relevant in this area.
Bulk Structure of Catalysts
Spectroscopic approaches to the study of oxidation catalysts focus on two main
areas – the characterization of the bulk structure of the material and the identifi ca-
tion of distinct surface environments. The bulk structure and, where appropriate,
phase of catalytic materials is of key importance in dictating their activity, particu-
larly in processes involving redox mechanisms. Solid - state NMR techniques can
prove particularly advantageous in this area. For instance, unlike X - ray diffraction,
NMR can probe both crystalline and amorphous structures. However, as discussed
above, achieving high - resolution spectra in the solid - state is complicated by the
numerous interactions giving rise to line broadening effects, complicating spectral
interpretation. The following sections outline experimental approaches to over-
come these challenges, with a focus on those techniques that can be applied to
metal oxide catalysts. Magic Angle Spinning
MAS is the most common technique employed in solid - state NMR to remove line
broadening. It involves fast mechanical sample rotation about an axis inclined at
54 ° 44 ′ (the value where 3 cos
θ − 1 = 0, Equation 5.4 ) to the direction of the external
magnetic fi eld. It can remove line broadening from dipolar interactions (averaged