predicts slightly lower magnitudes of mass fractions of quartz when compared to
the experimental results.
The dissolution of quartz during heat treatment has a significant effect on the
wear of vitrified grinding wheels. Figure 7.28 shows the effect of usin g a high and a
low quartz content bonding system on the wear of vitrified corundum grinding
wheels grinding a large number of tool steel materials [18]. The classification of
tool steels is in the form of an abrasive hardness number, which is a weighted
average of the number of carbides contained within the tool material. As shown in
Fig. 7.28, the grinding ratio, or G-ratio, is a measure of the efficiency of the grinding
wheel. It is the quotient of the volume of workpiece material removed and the
volume of the wheel material removed. The figure demonstrates the effectiveness of
reducing the quartz content of the bonding system of porous nanogrinding tools.
7.6 Conclusions
This chapter has shown that nanogrinding is in its embryonic stages of development
and a fundamental understanding has already started in the area of computational
analysis. However, the real breakthrough discovery will in the area of the develop-
ment of machine tools capable of nanogrinding and its practical application to
machining a variety of engineering materials in addition to machining optical
materials and materials used in semiconductor applications. There is also a require-
ment to manufacture high quality grinding tools that will be required to continu-
ously maintain form and shape characteristics in addition to very small surface
roughness values. A form of continuo usly dressed, or sharpened, processes will be
required in order to make the nanogrinding process highly desirable to micro and
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342 M.J. Jackson and J. P. Davim