concentration of other (minority) defects can be found by linking to the vacancy
concentration by appropriate defect-chemical reactions.
and its thermodynamic parame ters are important in that they determine
whether the material is primarily dominated by oxygen vacancies or by protons.
This point can be investigated by studying the proton concentration versus
temperature using, for example, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, or con-
ductivity, and this has been done for many perovskites. It turns out that the
entropy change DS
ends up around 120 J/mol K, as expected empirically for
the loss of 1 mole of gas, while the enthalpy change DH
varies widely. Some
perovskites, such as BaCeO
, have large negative values (exothermic) of more
than 150 kJ/mol, and they are thus dominated by protons in wet atmospheres,
and it takes a high temperature to shift the equilibrium to the left. Others, such
as SrTiO
, have moderate negative enthalpies and are dominated by protons
only at relatively low temperatur es. Finally, there are perovskites such as
in which protons are never observed under any conditions and
where modeling verifies that the enthalpy of hydration is actually positive [13].
In an attempt to find correlations between hydration thermodynamics and
other materials properties, Norby et al. [14] noted that the best so far encompasses
the difference in electronegativity between the B-site and A-site constituents of the
perovskite. Figure 11.1 shows an update of this correlation plot. Although other
correlations to electronegativity differences are in use [15], ours is yet not rationa-
lized to any extent, and probably represents only a first or rough approximation,
judged from the scatter. A linear regression of the data yields the following:
We have recently tried to chall enge the correlation and reduce the scatter that
arises from the uncertain extraction of enthalpies from ‘‘equilibrium’’ measure-
ments by measuring the enthalpy directly in calorimeters, notably combined
DSC/TG instruments where the wat er exchange and associated enthalpy can be
recorded simultaneo usly. It has so far turned out that combination instruments
lack the isothermal stability to obtain significant results.
We are also examining hydration of some Pb-based perovskites such as PbZrO
where the electronegativity difference, the entry on the x-axis in Fig. 11.1, is negative.
The correlation then predicts these perovskites to have very large negative hydration
enthalpies and to be very strongly hydrated. The results so far, both by experiments
and by density functional theory (DFT) simulations [16], suggest that the hydration
is significant but moderate and that the correlation must be modified. It may be, for
instance, that it is the absolute value of the electronegativity difference which must be
Some perovskites with smaller band gaps have acceptor dopants compen-
sated by electron holes rather than oxygen vacancies, especially at lower tem-
peratures and, of course, high oxygen activities. In principle, this will depress
the tendency of proton dominance; BaPrO
is predicted to have a large negative
enthalpy of hydration of oxygen vacancies (Eq. 11.3), but the dominance of
11 Proton Conductivity in Perovskite Oxides 221