306 Chen et al.
23. Wash with sucrose-containing cacodylate buffer 4 times, 15 min each.
24. Fix with 1% tannic acid in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer containing 6% sucrose for 15 min.
25. Wash with sucrose-containing cacodylate buffer 2 times, 10 min each.
26. Wash with water 3 times over 10 min.
27. Dehydrate through 50% ethanol, 10 min; 75% ethanol, 10 min; 90% ethanol, 10 min; 90%
HPMA, 3 times over 15 min; 95% HPMA, 15 min; 97% HPMA, 15 min (see Note 12).
28. Exchange through a series of HPMA/tEpon solutions: 2/1 HPMA/tEpon, 15 min; 1/1
HPMA/tEpon, 30 min; 1/2 HPMA/tEpon, 30 min. Add HPMA/tEpon mixture to dish,
cover, and mix continuously.
29. Exchange into Epon with catalyst over 30 min with 3 changes.
30. Drain off excess Epon with catalyst to leave just enough to cover the cell layer.
31. Infiltrate overnight at 37°C in oven with dessicant. Be sure dishes in the oven are flat, and
cover them with a single layer of foil into which small holes have been poked to allow
residual dehydrating agents to evaporate off.
32. Transfer dishes to 60°C oven for polymerization, keeping the dishes flat to maintain a uni-
form depth of Epon polymer on the cells. Two days are required for complete polymerization.
33. Upon completion of polymerization, break the culture dish to recover the embedded cells
in a thin layer of polymerized Epon (see Note 13). Cut out a small piece (<1 mm each
side) to be mounted (using epoxy or Krazy Glue) on a block suitable for sectioning. A
light microscope can be used to help in selecting optimal areas for mounting.
34. Ultrathin sections are collected onto electron microscope grids. Cells may be counter-
stained briefly with lead citrate before viewing under the electron microscope. For lead
citrate counterstaining, prepare a Petri dish chamber with parafilm on the bottom. Add
moist NaOH pellets to the chamber in order to sequester CO
and prevent the formation
of lead carbonate precipitate. For counterstaining, drop the lead citrate solution from a
syringe with a filter onto the parafilm. Float each grid, sample side down, onto separate
drops. Cover the chamber with aluminum foil to protect against light and CO
tion. Remove excess stain from the grids by dipping them through a series of double-
distilled water rinses and allow the grids to dry before viewing under the electron
4. Notes
1. Vinol 205 polyvinyl alcohol (also called Airvol 205) is available as a sample on request
from Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (Allentown, PA). Defrosted working solutions are
stable for 6 mo at 4°C.
2. Toxic compounds used in this procedures include DAB, cacodylate, osmium tetroxide,
glutaraldehyde, and the dehydration solutions and nonpolymerized embedding materials.
Handle the solutions in the hood with gloved hands. Dispose as chemical waste. DAB can
be detoxified by treatment with chlorox.
3. The initial cell density required to seed the cover slips varies among cell types used for trans-
fection. The major factors to be considered are cell growth rate, the time required for cells to
attach to the cover slips, and the survival rate after transfection. For example, CHO cells can
grow directly on the glass surface of cover slips, but require 36–40 h to attach and spread well,
while COS and HeLa cells attach and spread better on gelatinized carbon-coated cover slips,
and do so by 24 h. The COS and HeLa cells are less sensitive to SuperFect transfection reagent,
and so 70% confluence is the optimal density at the time of transfection. Cell density adjust-
ments may need to be made to allow for differences in the toxicity of SuperFect lots.
4. Gelatinized carbon-coated coverslips can be used for cells that do not attach well to
uncoated glass surfaces. A carbon coat is applied to glass cover slips using carbon rods