P1: ABC/ABC P2:c/d QC:e/f T1:g
c01 JWBT063-Rosenbaum March 26, 2009 21:41 Printer Name: Hamilton
Comparable Companies Analysis
As the adjustments for non-recurring items relied on judgment, we carefully
footnoted our assumptions and sources.
Adjusted Income Statement Section
Prior Current
Stub Stub LTM
2006A 2007A 9/30/2007
Reported Gross Profit $390.0 $425.0 $475.0 $340.0 $365.0 $500.0
Non-recurring Items in COGS -
- 8.0 8.0 (1)
Adj. Gross Profit $390.0 $425.0 $475.0 $340.0 $373.0 $508.0
%9.33nigram % 34.0% 35.2% 34.0% 35.0% 35.9%
0.041$TIBE detropeR $150.0 $175.0 $120.0 $110.0 $165.0
Non-recurring Items in COGS - - - - 8.0 8.0
Other Non-recurring Items -
-(10.0) - 12.0 2.0 (2), (3)
Adjusted EBIT $140.0 $150.0 $165.0 $120.0 $130.0 $175.0
%2.21nigram % 12.0% 12.2% 12.0% 12.2% 12.4%
Depreciation & Amortization 33.0
35.0 35.0
35.0 40.0
Adjusted EBITDA $173.0 $185.0 $200.0 $150.0 $165.0 $215.0
%0.51nigram % 14.8% 14.8% 15.0% 15.5% 15.2%
Reported Net Income $58.9 $68.2 $84.6 $55.8 $50.0 $78.8
Non-recurring Items in COGS - - - - 8.0 8.0
Other Non-recurring Items - - (10.0) - 12.0 2.0
Non-operating Non-rec. Items - - - - - -
- tnemtsujdA xaT
-3.8 - (7.6) (3.8)
Adjusted Net Income $58.9 $68.2
$78.4 $55.8 $62.4
%1.5nigram % 5.5% 5.8% 5.6% 5.9% 6.0%
Adjusted Diluted EPS $1.11 $1.31 $1.54 $1.09 $1.25 $1.70
Adjusted Income Statement
Fiscal Year Ending December 31
= Negative adjustment for pre-tax gain on asset sale x Marginal tax rate
= - ($10.0) million x 38.0%
= Add-back for pre-tax inventory and restructuring charges x Marginal tax rate
= - ($8.0 million + $12.0 million) x 38.0%
Inventory valuation charge ("write-off")
Gain on sale of non-core business ("asset sale")
Restructuring charge
(3) In Q3 2008, Momper Corp. recognized $12 million of pre-tax restructuring costs in connection with downsizing the
sales force (see Q3 2008 10-Q MD&A, page 15).
(1) In Q2 2008, Momper Corp. recorded a $8 million pre-tax inventory valuation charge related to product obsolescence
(see Q2 2008 10-Q MD&A, page 14).
(2) In Q4 2007, Momper Corp. realized a $10 million pre-tax gain on the sale of a non-core business (see 2007 10-K MD&A,
page 45).
As shown in Exhibit 1.47, we entered the $8 million non-recurring product
obsolescence charge as an add-back in the non-recurring items in COGS line item
under the “Current Stub 9/30/2008” column heading; we also added back the $12
million restructuring charge in the other non-recurring items line under the “Current
Stub 9/30/2008” column. The $10 million gain on asset sale, on the other hand, was
backed out of reported earnings (entered as a negative value) under the “2007A”
column. These calculations resulted in adjusted LTM EBIT and EBITDA of $175
million and $215 million, respectively.
To calculate LTM adjusted net income after adding back the full non-recurring
charges of $8 million and $12 million, respectively, and subtracting the full $10.0
million gain on sale amount, we made tax adjustments in the tax adjustment line item.
These adjustments were calculated by multiplying each full amount by Momper’s