P1: ABC/ABC P2:c/d QC:e/f T1:g
c01 JWBT063-Rosenbaum March 26, 2009 21:41 Printer Name: Hamilton
EXHIBIT 1.38 List of Comparable Companies
($ in millions)
Ticker Business Description Value Value Sales
Manufactures and sells home and hardware products including VUCVucic Brands
cabinetry, faucets, plumbing accessories, windows, and doors
$8,829 $14,712 $8,670
Manufactures and distributes building products in North America PRLPearl Corp.
and internationally, including roofing, siding, and windows
8,850 11,323 12,750
Manufactures and distributes paints, coatings, brushes, and SLDSpalding Co.
related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail
7,781 8,369 8,127
Designs, manufactures, and sells floor covering products for LCTLeicht & Co.
residential and commercial applications
7,456 9,673 8,109
Manufactures and markets power tools and accessories, DRKDrook Corp.
hardware, and doors in the United States and Europe
5,034 6,161 6,708
Manufactures and markets gypsum, ceiling systems, cabinets, GDSGoodson Corp.
and doors
4,368 5,534 6,125
Produces residential and commercial building materials, glass TDGThe DiNucci Group
fiber reinforcements, and other similar materials for composite
3,772 5,202 6,489
Designs, manufactures, and markets tools, diagnostics, PRIPryor, Inc.
construction equipment, and engineered products, primarily in the
United States and Europe
3,484 4,764 4,223
Manufactures and sells roofing and siding products primarily in ADLAdler Industries
the United States
2,600 3,149 3,895
Designs and manufactures a wide variety of products for LNZLanzarone International
commercial and residential heating, ventilation, and
air conditioning
1,750 2,139 2,286
Manufactures a range of products for residential heating, LJXLajoux Global
ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration markets in the
United States and Europe
1,050 1,650 1,775
Manufactures, distributes, and installs home improvement and MOMPMomper Corp.
building products
1,000 1,500 1,415
Manufactures and markets a variety of building products, MCMMcMenamin & Co.
including screw fastening systems, stainless steel fasteners, and
venting systems
630 705 571
Manufactures and distributes composite products primarily for TRIPTrip Co.
residential and commercial decking and railing applications in
North America
321 441 486
Manufactures and supplies residential windows, doors, and other PRSParis Industries
156 192 352
List of Comparable Companies
Step II. Locate the Necessary Financial Information
In Step II, we set out to locate the financial information necessary to spread the key
financial statistics and ratios for each of the companies that we identified as being
comparable to ValueCo. For Momper Corp. (“Momper”), one of ValueCo’s closest
comparables, for example, this information was obtained from its most recent SEC
filings, consensus estimates, and equity research. Additional financial information
was sourced from financial information services.
10-K and 10-Q We used Momper’s most recent 10-K and 10-Q for the periods
ending December 31, 2007, and September 30, 2008, respectively, as the primary
sources for historical financial information. Specifically, these filings provided us
with the prior year annual as well as current and prior year YTD financial statistics
necessary to calculate LTM data. They also served as sources for the most recent
basic shares outstanding count, options/warrants data, and balance sheet and cash