III.232 - OIL INFORMATION (2011 Edition)
Table 5C: Total products - supply and consumption
000 metric tons
1973 1978 1980 1990 2007 2008 2009 2010e
Refinery output 139 508 126 584 136 512 105 957 120 014 117 779 110 670 104 572
+ Recycled products - - 271 272 385 375 375 448
+ Imports 41 065 46 249 37 444 41 672 28 623 34 681 32 727 35 152
- Exports 9 746 7 423 11 181 10 153 28 082 25 468 22 333 17 804
- Intl. marine bunkers 4 202 3 374 3 611 2 558 3 144 3 050 2 796 2 841
+ Transfers -5 259 -5 785 -11 366 -8 991 -3 514 -3 246 -2 012 - 675
+ Stock changes -1 213 448 -1 362 1 349 950 761 - 236 - 281
- Statistical differences 903 - 19 - 761 - 931 - 495 184 - 687 -1 079
Total consumption 159 250 156 718 147 468 128 479 115 727 121 648 117 082 119 650
Transformation 14 944 14 062 14 878 10 095 8 606 7 479 7 160 ..
Main activity producer electricity 10 398 6 805 5 279 2 008 607 660 810 ..
Autoproducer electricity - 2 209 2 227 741 319 70 88 ..
Main activity producer CHP 1 187 1 393 1 015 639 78 65 102 ..
Autoproducer CHP - - - - 199 118 66 ..
Main activity producer heat - - - - 153 146 173 ..
Autoproducer heat - - - - - - - ..
Petrochemical industry 1 454 1 958 4 081 4 919 5 901 5 114 5 131 ..
Other transformation 1 905 1 697 2 276 1 788 1 349 1 306 790 ..
Energy industry own use 9 179 8 810 9 125 5 510 7 334 7 072 7 035 ..
Refinery fuel 8 692 7 854 8 914 5 435 7 319 7 072 7 035 ..
Other energy industry 487 956 211 75 15 - - ..
Final consumption 135 127 133 846 123 465 112 874 99 787 107 097 102 887 ..
35 535 42 556 44 508 56 149 57 608 57 704 58 510 ..
Aviation 2 825 3 190 3 380 5 447 8 823 8 940 8 698 ..
Road 30 188 36 822 38 661 49 122 48 151 47 959 49 199 ..
Rail 1 452 1 627 1 603 920 405 450 413 ..
Domestic navigation 1 070 917 864 660 169 295 140 ..
Non-specified - - - - 60 60 60 ..
47 083 40 604 36 452 26 269 25 249 24 747 22 852 ..
Iron and steel 4 871 3 146 1 073 452 741 731 511 ..
Chemical (incl. pet.-chem.) 11 660 11 969 14 520 14 954 17 301 16 949 15 986 ..
Non-ferrous metals 529 480 432 216 279 280 167 ..
Non-metallic minerals 5 384 3 515 2 739 1 348 962 895 799 ..
Transport equipment 1 117 1 017 993 300 92 89 57 ..
Machinery 1 200 1 162 927 929 574 592 422 ..
Mining and quarrying 160 97 89 64 69 64 81 ..
Food and tobacco 2 931 3 003 2 762 1 154 605 616 525 ..
Pulp, paper and printing 1 469 1 323 1 188 699 144 147 97 ..
Wood and wood products 543 516 547 203 64 64 54 ..
Construction 4 656 3 891 4 279 2 899 2 154 2 583 2 699 ..
Textiles and leather 1 119 992 842 411 80 76 43 ..
Non-specified 11 444 9 493 6 061 2 640 2 184 1 661 1 411 ..
52 509 50 686 42 505 30 456 16 930 24 646 21 525 ..
Commerce and public 15 795 16 643 14 785 10 336 6 036 8 630 7 780 ..
Residential 33 299 31 230 24 553 17 734 10 853 16 000 13 734 ..
Agriculture (incl. fishing) 1 300 1 190 2 196 2 161 11 11 11 ..
Non-specified 2 115 1 623 971 225 30 5 - ..
Memo: Non-energy use 15 484 16 127 22 594 24 433 27 867 26 652 25 145 ..
Chem/petchem. feedst. 7 693 8 670 12 371 14 561 17 296 16 900 15 947 ..
Other 7 791 7 457 10 223 9 872 10 571 9 752 9 198 ..
Closing stock level - 19 968 23 138 19 612 18 022 17 261 17 497 17 778
Source: Annual Oil Statistics.