OIL INFORMATION (2011 Edition) - III.7
Table 5A: Gas/diesel oil - supply and consumption
000 metric tons
1973 1978 1980 1990 2007 2008 2009 2010e
Refinery output 438 245 466 857 449 595 471 689 640 934 657 956 621 573 628 442
+ Recycled products - - 8 30 26 29 38 64
+ Imports 78 285 66 352 64 681 89 573 132 791 142 605 146 581 156 385
- Exports 49 946 42 960 46 163 65 693 125 240 149 216 147 917 154 949
- Intl. marine bunkers 10 662 11 662 10 294 16 492 15 580 12 590 12 446 13 015
+ Transfers -1 219 1 619 - 674 -1 903 -1 027 195 527 980
+ Stock changes -8 360 10 579 -4 426 -5 177 2 889 -3 025 -4 554 1 460
- Statistical differences - 28 -1 551 - 143 -2 494 -2 978 2 647 4 938 6 079
Total consumption 446 371 492 336 452 870 474 521 637 771 633 307 598 864 613 288
Transformation 10 145 13 393 10 960 8 258 10 573 9 476 8 632 ..
Main activity producer electricity 9 618 10 962 7 732 5 273 8 262 7 643 6 563 ..
Autoproducer electricity 69 934 844 1 346 653 635 671 ..
Main activity producer CHP 57 109 101 69 225 191 272 ..
Autoproducer CHP - 2 1 33 331 119 214 ..
Main activity producer heat 30 53 42 139 278 218 317 ..
Autoproducer heat 92 319 317 150 9 9 9 ..
Petrochemical industry 221 975 1 878 1 232 802 661 586 ..
Other transformation 58 39 45 16 13 - - ..
Energy industry own use 1 758 2 754 2 571 2 058 2 387 2 343 2 640 ..
Refinery fuel 1 102 2 092 1 949 1 254 1 235 1 221 1 420 ..
Other energy industry 656 662 622 804 1 152 1 122 1 220 ..
Final consumption 434 468 476 189 439 339 464 205 624 811 621 488 587 592 ..
126 138 161 863 170 854 248 207 433 774 424 155 404 037 ..
Aviation - - - 1 1 1 1 ..
Road 89 166 119 980 128 075 219 795 404 021 397 421 380 604 ..
Rail 22 204 22 596 21 992 17 744 19 259 16 687 14 403 ..
Domestic navigation 10 224 10 148 10 263 8 090 9 016 8 896 7 977 ..
Non-specified 4 544 9 139 10 524 2 577 1 477 1 150 1 052 ..
66 410 73 412 67 271 51 267 55 595 54 964 50 255 ..
Iron and steel 1 872 1 706 1 409 1 107 2 076 1 209 1 061 ..
Chemical (incl. pet.-chem.) 2 728 4 400 5 080 5 084 9 511 10 300 9 425 ..
Non-ferrous metals 898 980 1 011 496 913 974 770 ..
Non-metallic minerals 3 764 3 179 2 230 1 727 5 682 5 763 5 232 ..
Transport equipment 807 817 806 499 956 872 773 ..
Machinery 2 359 2 352 2 083 3 274 2 919 2 313 2 022 ..
Mining and quarrying 1 185 1 838 2 143 2 519 4 962 4 935 4 978 ..
Food and tobacco 2 882 3 465 3 408 3 745 5 634 5 261 4 848 ..
Pulp, paper and printing 648 617 818 796 2 302 2 353 2 178 ..
Wood and wood products 548 1 092 1 066 395 2 310 3 461 3 117 ..
Construction 4 228 6 622 6 589 7 823 8 194 8 413 8 049 ..
Textiles and leather 944 963 898 515 826 478 413 ..
Non-specified 43 547 45 381 39 730 23 287 9 310 8 632 7 389 ..
241 920 240 914 201 214 164 731 135 442 142 369 133 300 ..
Commerce and public 69 002 71 402 57 480 50 757 43 115 44 942 42 935 ..
Residential 127 111 126 095 98 649 72 341 50 312 54 566 49 709 ..
Agriculture (incl. fishing) 26 303 31 047 32 642 39 432 40 703 41 689 39 502 ..
Non-specified 19 504 12 370 12 443 2 201 1 312 1 172 1 154 ..
Memo: Non-energy use 1 933 4 018 5 272 5 392 4 779 4 171 3 743 ..
Chem/petchem. feedst. 1 712 3 043 3 394 4 159 3 970 3 504 3 149 ..
Other 221 975 1 878 1 233 809 667 594 ..
Closing stock level - 81 731 94 554 67 848 75 520 78 480 83 464 82 004
Source: Annual Oil Statistics.