32 HRW / July 2009 www.hydroworld.com
stressed rock conditions. Along the
course of the 2-kilometer-long tunnel,
the contractor encountered a folded
thrust zone between the sedimentary
formation and the meta-volcanics. Ac-
cording to the geomechanical classi ca-
tion developed by Z.T. Bieniawski, the
rock encountered in the tunnel included
1 percent class II, 49 percent class III,
28 percent of class IV, and 22 percent
class V. There are ve rock classes in
the geomechanical classi cation, from I
(very good) to V (very poor).
Despite the poor rock quality at
this site, no steel arches were needed
for support, nor was there a single in-
stance of cavities or heavy overbreak.
(Overbreak is rock excavated in excess
of that needed to install the tunnel. In
this case, overbreak would result from
weak rock or close fractures or shear
zones that could not be controlled.)
Support elements used at this site
consisted of pre-grouting of the rock
mass, division of the tunnel section
into several parts for easier excava-
tion in poor rock, application of 200-
to 250-millimeter-thick shotcrete
with a double layer of wire mesh and
water-expanding bolts, and grouted
dowels. Successful completion of Uri
1 brought about changes in tunneling
techniques in the Himalayas, particu-
larly with respect to the use of flex-
ible supports and pre-grouting as a
stabilization measure. The tunneling
method used at this site, designed by
Sweco of Sweden, is based on the New
Australian Tunneling Method. The
civil contractor was Uri Civil Contrac-
tor AB, a Swedish-British consortium
led by Skanska.
The use of tunnel boring machines
in the Himalayas has met with lim-
ited success. The Parbati 2 project is a
good example. This project involves
trans-basin water transfer between two
silt emerged from a probe hole under
high pressure, with a discharge of
5,000 to 6,000 liters per minute. This
caused inundation of the tunnel for
nearly 2 kilometers, and the tunnel bor-
ing machine was virtually buried under
silt. The discharge slowly subsided to
2,000 liters per minute and continues
more than two years after the leak be-
gan. As of February 2009, discharge
had reduced to 1,350 liters per minute.
An expert group consisting of experts
in contracts, civil design, cost engineer-
ing, geology, and nancing has recom-
mended options for treating the dif cult
zone so that the balance of the tunnel-
ing can be completed. These options
include building a bypass tunnel and
treating the weak zone by grouting.
Development of the nearly 119,000 MW
of hydro potential from rivers in India
that arise in the Himalayas relies on
nding solutions to challenges posed by
the region’s complex geology. Through
33 years of experience developing hydro
projects in this area, NHPC Limited
has developed solutions to a number of
geotechnical problems. These solutions
have allowed construction of some of the
largest dams and hydraulic structures in
the world.
The views expressed in this article are
those of the author and not of NHPC
Limited management.
Code of Practice for Sub-Surface Investigation
for Power House Sites, IS 10060: 1981,
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New
Delhi, India, 1981 and 2004. A number of
other standards for geotechnical investiga-
tion and subsurface exploration are avail-
able under Division 14 Water Resources,
Section WRD-5 of the BIS.
rivers via a 31.5-kilometer-long head-
race tunnel. This is one of the longest
water-conducting tunnels in the world.
Total tunneling for the project, which
includes feeder tunnels and access adits,
is 57.2 kilometers. Construction of this
project began in 2002 and is scheduled
to be complete in 2010, according to the
revised program.
One element of success at this project
involved use of a double shield inclined
tunnel boring machine to excavate two
inclined pressure shafts. These shafts
are 1,546 meters in length and 3.5 me-
ters in diameter, at a dif cult angle of 30
degrees, and run through meta-basics
and chlorite schist bands. Progress in
the second pressure shaft was so fast that
the tunnel was completed in 136 days in
2006. The main reason for the success of
this tunnel boring machine is the moder-
ate strength of the meta-basics, which is
amenable to boring without dif culty.
Use of an open shield tunnel boring
machine to complete the portion of the
headrace tunnel that passes below a high
ridge met with less success. Initially, the
machine worked fairly well in granite
gneiss, schistose gneiss, and schist bands.
However, progress slowed as the tunnel
entered quartzites, and heavy-duty cut-
ters were required. Simultaneously, as
the rock cover on the tunnel increased to
800 to 1,000 meters, the jointed quartz-
ite gave rise to wedge failures near the
cutter head.
Because there were site limitations to
using shotcrete, the contractor used wire
mesh with channels in the crown por-
tion, together with rock bolts, as support
measures in class III conditions. In class
IV and some area of class III, ring beams
were used.
From 4,000 meters onwards, the
tunnel encountered closely jointed
zones and silt- lled discontinuities in
the tunnel. At 4,056 meters, water and
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