28 HRW / July 2009 www.hydroworld.com
Construction of a positive cutoff wall is one solution for dealing with deep bedrock conditions in rivers in the
Himalayan mountain region.
face bedrock pro le, as well as the founda-
tion conditions. In situations where there
is a large deviation in foundation depth,
problems may include increased excava-
tion, water seepage, and large increases
in concrete. This can cause problems
with regard to a project’s construction
schedule. In addition, provisions may be
required for treatment of shear zones. For
the concrete dams built to impound water
for the 540-MW Chamera 1 and Parbati
2 projects, NHPC was able to use a care-
fully planned drilling program to predict
the bedrock conditions quite accurately.
Ensuring stability of rock slopes
There are several projects in the Hima-
layas that may involve slope cuts more
than 50 meters high. This includes ex-
cavating for building side channel spill-
ways at rock ll dams or for removal of
weathered or slumped rocks, which typi-
cally are present at many sites in the Hi-
malayas. Removal of these rocks may be
needed to provide a sound foundation
for placement of the dam and a proper
junction between the dam body and
abutments, or for building side channel
spillways at rock ll dams. Rock condi-
tions play a pivotal role in the design of
such slopes and the need for adequate
rock reinforcement.
For 280-MW Dhauliganga 1, a high
Building above-ground powerhouses
For hydro projects in the Himalayas that
involve surface powerhouses, slope sta-
bility is a problem. Because of the narrow
con guration of the valleys, space must
be created for powerhouses by cutting the
hill slope. For Parbati 2, a surface power-
house with hill cutting of 100 of 125 me-
ters was planned. This powerhouse is in
meta-basics and chlorite schists/phyllites
with three sets of joints. This slope has
suffered three collapses due to the deep
cutting. Redressing of the slope with
heavy supports is under way. The sup-
port elements consist of 35-meter-long
cable anchors, 6- to 12-meter-long rock
anchors, shotcrete, and wire mesh. The
entire slope is expected to be completed
by the end of 2009.
As the above example illustrates, ex-
ecution of slopes, particularly in adverse
rock conditions, remains a challenge.
Depending on the slope height and rock
conditions, heavy supports may be re-
quired. Generally, for high slopes there
is considerable provision of support
measures. These supports include long
rock bolts or anchors (9 to 15 meters),
cable bolts, treatment by injection of
grout, and/or use of reinforced concrete
plugs to make small horizontal tunnels
into the slope. Proper drainage arrange-
ments also are necessary.
Accordingly, it is important to provide
suf cient time in the schedule for instal-
lation of systematic supports during
excavation. The amount of time needed
depends on the magnitude of the work.
The Bureau of Indian Standards
publishes codes of practice for geologi-
cal investigation for dams and power-
which are followed in India to
perform river valley investigations. In
view of the problems faced in the Hi-
malayas and also based on the successes
achieved at some projects, the following
steps are recommended for deep open
slope cut was to be executed on the right
bank in strong biotite gneiss of Pre-Cam-
brian age. However, the joint patterns of
this rock were such that prominent un-
stable wedges formed. When the excava-
tion work began in 2000, blocks as large
as 10,000 cubic meters in volume started
to fall from the cut slope.
To solve this problem, NHPC engi-
neers proposed special support measures
apart from modifying the slope of the
rock. Rock supports already proposed
for the situation included 18-meter-long
cable bolts; 9-, 12-, and 15-meter-long
rock anchors; shotcrete; and wire mesh.
The special measures involved reinforc-
ing the rock mass by driving 30-meter-
long tunnels, with additional cross-cuts,
into the hill slope and then back- lling
the tunnels and cuts with concrete and
steel. This solution stabilized the slope
and enabled the project to be commis-
sioned on schedule in March 2005.
In this case, the large size of the blocks
was detrimental to slope stability and
necessitated modi cations to the slope
angle, as well the support measures. The
key to success for a high slope excavation
lies in proper investigations, design, and
support provisions and careful execution.
This arrangement is described below for
surface powerhouses where high open
cuts may be involved.
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